Script to Start the SQL Server Services

  • Hi,

    We have 4 SQL Server 2005 instances on single server. For maintenance purposes, we frequently need to Stop and Start the all the SQL Services ( SQL Server Service, SQL Agent Services, Full text Service, Integration Service, Reporting Services). It's taking 20 mins to stop all the Services manually from SQL Server configuration manager.

    I went through the link and it's saying that DO NOT use net commands to start and stop SQL Server services from command prompt UNLESS for troubleshooting.

    So is there any single t-sql script or VB script, that will stop and start all the services?

    Thank You

  • The article referenced is speaking of starting SQLSERVER.EXE from the command prompt, not stopping and starting services using net commands.

    In the article, it discusses stopping the services using net commands in the context of if you started SQL server from the command prompt.

    Using net start and net stop to stop and start SQL services can be done (that is a service start command from the command line that will function as if you clicked start from services.msc).

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • thank you,

    Could you please advice me what is the best to way to start and stop the SQL services instead of starting one-by-one from SQL Server configuration manager manually.

    I want to Stop and start SQL services using single script. Will that possible or do I need to stop/start manually from SQL Server configuration manager?



  • Hello Ram,

    net start / net stop commands shouldn't be an issue. Here's a good article on doing so:

  • You said you need to do this for maintenance purposes... what are they and why do you think you must stop the SQL Server Services to accomplish them?

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  • Hi ..

    You can use the following vb script to start the sql service automatically..


    VBS Script: By Service Name

    strComputer = InputBox ("Enter Machine Name")

    objServiceName = "Service_Name"

    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CimV2")

    Set colListOfServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * From Win32_Service Where Name ='" & objServiceName & "'")

    For Each objService in colListOfServices


    Wscript.Sleep 5000

    errReturnCode = objService.StartService()


    MsgBox "Done"

    Example: objServiceName = " TlntSvr"

    VBS Script: By Service Display Name

    strComputer = InputBox ("Enter Machine Name")

    objServiceDisplayName = "Service_Display_Name"

    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CimV2")

    Set colListOfServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * From Win32_Service Where DisplayName ='" & objServiceDisplayName & "'")

    For Each objService in colListOfServices


    Wscript.Sleep 5000

    errReturnCode = objService.StartService()


    MsgBox "Done"

    Example: objServiceDisplayName = "Telnet"

    Note: You can also change the Start Mode to “Disabled” Or “Manual” as well as Stop the service using StopService()

  • You said you need to do this for maintenance purposes... what are they and why do you think you must stop the SQL Server Services to accomplish them?

    We stop the SQL Services when:

    1. Network team do some maintenance on Network

    2. SAN upgrade and other kind of SAN maintenance

    When network team do the maintenance, the cluster resource try to fail over backup & forth between the nodes. For safer side, we stop the services before maintenance and start the services after the maintenance.

    I'm not sure in which cases, we need to stop the services. It would be really helps me if you provide some scenarios where we need to stop sql services and where we DO NOT need to stop the services.

    Many thanks

  • There is an integral piece of information. Knowing that the server is clustered is essential information for the answer.

    Using net stop net start for the services will cause the server to fail over. If they are doing SAN maintenance, you probably want the services stopped the entire duration of maintenance. In this case you should stop the services through cluster administration.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Thank You,

    There is an integral piece of information. Knowing that the server is clustered is essential information for the answer.

    Using net stop net start for the services will cause the server to fail over. If they are doing SAN maintenance, you probably want the services stopped the entire duration of maintenance. In this case you should stop the services through cluster administration.

    If the server is standalone then how to stop & Start SQL Services using a script?

  • rambilla4 (12/7/2009)

    Thank You,

    There is an integral piece of information. Knowing that the server is clustered is essential information for the answer.

    Using net stop net start for the services will cause the server to fail over. If they are doing SAN maintenance, you probably want the services stopped the entire duration of maintenance. In this case you should stop the services through cluster administration.

    If the server is standalone then how to stop & Start SQL Services using a script?

    Standalone - see the previous posts in this thread.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • SQL SERVER – 2005 – Start Stop Restart SQL Server From Command Prompt

    Very frequently I use following command prompt script to start and stop default instance of SQL Server. Our network admin loves this commands as this is very easy.

    Click Start >> Run >> type cmd to start command prompt.

    Start default instance of SQL Server

    net start mssqlserver

    Stop default instance of SQL Server

    net stop mssqlserver

    Start and Stop default instance of SQL Server.

    You can create batch file to execute both the commands together.

  • Once again, Books online covers all of this:

    SQL Server 2005 Books Online (November 2008) topic "Stopping Services"

    another ref:


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  • With a cluster, I am with Jason on this one. You should be using the Cluster Administrator to handle the stop and start. How often do these maintenance periods occur? If it is frequently, you have bigger problems than stopping the SQL Services.

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