Scripting databases

  • hello at all!

    I'm sure here's somebody who can give me hints...

    I want to script all my sql-databases, with all objects, constraints, users, a.s.o.

    Is there any possibility to do so with transact-sql without writing a script scanning the system-databases/tables and build all these statements.

    I looked into sql-server help for many hours but I didn't found anything except doing so taking the generate script - wizard...

  • Isn't "Generate Script Wizard" not fitting your needs?!


    Are you looking for a TSQL Statement to do the same?!

    If you do this with "Generate Script Wizard", the Order will also be arranged automatically by the system, which is a great feature to save time.


  • Parker77,

    I suspect you want to automate the process rather than relying on the interactive wizard. Is that right?

    I don't have a "script the lot" example, but a starting point may be Umachandar Jayachandran's example at

    - Mark

  • Have a look at scptxfr.exe supplied by MS.

    Maybe usefull with 'xp_cmdshell'

  • I use this stored procedure, which I wretten

    create procedure dbo.BACKUP$CreateScript (@path varchar(300)) as



    @result int,

    @name varchar(128),

    @cmd varchar(2000),

    @full_path varchar(1800)


    mcur cursor local static for select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where dbid not in (1,2,3,4) and name <> 'distribution'

    Open mcur

    fetch next from mcur into @name

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    exec @result = dbo.UTILS$DirectoryExists @path

    if @result = -1


    select @cmd = 'mkdir ' + @path

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd

    print 'Main directory created'


    select @full_path = @path + '\' + @name

    exec @result = dbo.UTILS$DirectoryExists @full_path

    if @result = -1


    select @cmd = 'mkdir ' + @path + '\' + @name

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd

    print ' Parent directory created'


    select @cmd = 'c:\SCRIPT\scptxfr.exe /s ' + @@servername + ' /d ' + @name + ' /q /I /F ' + @full_path

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd

    print @cmd

    fetch next from mcur into @name


    close mcur



  • Have you taken a look at mssqlXpress. It is available from

  • Can any one let us know where can we get scptxfr.exe ??


  • Belov thanks for the example.

    Mdamera look in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Upgrade

  • Uh... hard to find the thread after a few days:)

    sorry for the late response, but I was in holiday...

    the sense of scripting database schemes automaticly is that I haven't to rely on information from developers or someone else when objects are added/changed... I imagined this is not only a problem for me... At this point of time I generated the schemes by using the script-wizard.

    Many thanks at all for your hints - I will check your tips! :))

  • Lost track of this thread... Many thanks to Belov and 5409045121009.


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