searching with like for ]

  • Hi

    I creating select statements dynamicly, but want to want to protect against sql-injection, and still be able to search for special characters, so i do the following replacement:

    ' -> ''

    [ -> [[]

    But when i use ] -> []] it does not find any (not even records with field=']')

    what do i do ??


    Benny Bech

  • One way would be to search for char(93) which is the ascii code for ].

    You can use select ascii(']') to get the ascii value.


  • Transact Sql help says that

    LIKE ']' to be used for searching for ] character and not '[]]'.

    Hope this helps

  • quote:

    ...protect against sql-injection...

    Look into the proper use of QUOTENAME function to protect your scripts. Here's a quick link:

  • Hi

    I may not hav made the problem clear enough.

    I want a general soulution to change what the user entered, so it is useable for everything the users enters.

    IF the users in the input box enters a[k']p

    if want if to finds record with exactly "a[k']p" in the fields, NOT "akp" and NOT "qa[k']p".

    and if the user clicks in the "anywhere" checkmark I preceed and succed the searchstring with %, record also record with field "qa[k']p" and "a[k']pq"

    I am using ADO objects commandtext (from Delphi) so I can't use the suggested QUOTENAME (unless i call en procedure for each field.


    Benny Bech

  • As I said earlier, before executing the query

    replace all [ with [[]

    Do not replace ] with []]. Keep them as it is.

    For your example

    "a[k']p" becomes "a[[]k']p"

    So searching in database for "a[[]k']p"

    retrieves the records with "a[k']p"

  • Hi

    I have solved it, problem was that I was also doing:

    ] -> []]

    but i shouldn't.

    btw. % -> [%] and _ -> [_] was needed to make it complete.

    Thank you for participating.


    Benny Bech

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