Select *

  • Michelle Ufford (4/7/2009)

    Jason Crider (4/7/2009)

    They have never had the load that we are giving them and the application (mainly the database) is having trouble keeping up. There are tons of views(that have multiple joins) and benefit when querying the table directly but that doesn't seem to be something that can change.

    This may actually work well in your favor. See if you can schedule a meeting with their VP of Development, Marketing, Sales, etc... whoever you can get that's high up. Explain to them the type of volume you're working with, the troubles you're having, and that you're not satisfied with their current solution. Also explain to them that you're an experienced DBA, and you'd like to work with them to improve their application. This will only benefit them in the long run.

    Also, as many large software companies rely on company referrals to secure new customers, tell them that once they've implemented some of the changes you've requested, you'd be happy to serve as a referral for new customers, or perhaps let them do a case study on your environment.

    Just a thought on how to perhaps approach this from a different perspective...

    We are trying that now. The problem keeps getting escalated but since we are in government and you deal with grants it makes things more difficult. The more hard evidence we can give them the better it will be from our end, but it can become difficult to convince them there is a better way.

    If you can imagine someone that doesn't realize that a stored procedure will give them better performance than ad-hoc queries you will see what I'm dealing with. 614 indexes and less than 40 stored procedures so it's not even getting the full benefit of most of the indexes and plan reuse.

  • Ouch. I agree with Grant, it sounds like all you can do at this point is document and try to work with them. I hope that turns out well.

    Good luck!


    Michelle Ufford - Adventures in SQL Tuning

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