• Hi All

    I am trying to write a select statement that has to return data from fields that might not be filled in yet. So far I have relied on the fields to be filled and then anded a lot of statements together like so:

    SELECT index, B.Value

    FROM table1,A.table2, B.Table2

    WHERE index = A.index AND

    index = B.index2 AND

    B.Value = 10

    But lets say that there isent anything in B.Value = 10. This means that when I run this query no rows are returned. But I need to rewrite this SELECT so that I get the index even if there is no value in B.value.

    I hope somebody can help me.

    Kind regards


  • I may be missing something, but if you don't need the where condition why don't you remove it?

    SELECT index, B.Value

    FROM table1,A.table2, B.Table2

    WHERE index = A.index AND

    index = B.index2

    Also you should really be using Inner Join to join tables rather than put the join conditions in the where clause.

    Post some sample data and I should be able to help further

  • This looks like a legacy join syntax..

    But as Steveb says, don't use leagacy joinsyntax, start using ANSI joins instead.

    It seems that what you're after is an outer join in this case.

    SELECT A.index,


    FROM table1 A

    LEFT JOIN table2 B

    ON A.index = b.index2

    AND B.Value = 10

    ...something like that.

    However, without any knowledge of your actual tables and data, it's hard to be more specific.


  • Hi SteveB

    I need the where clause. I will try to make some simple sample data that might clearify my problem.

    I have 2 tables where my system stores data:



    The tables have the following columns and data:







    es_id,es_entity,es_attribute, es_value






    My SELECT so far is

    SELECT entity_id, B.es_value, C.es_value

    FROM entity, B.e_string, C.e_string

    WHERE entity_id = B.es_entity AND

    B.es_attribute = 125 AND

    entity_id = C.es_entity AND

    C.es_attribute = 126

    My results are:



    But I want




    I hope this gives you a better idea of what I need.



  • You don't want to join in the where clause. It's an old join style and outer joins (which you need here) are not supported any longer.

    Does this work?

    SELECT entity_id, ISNULL(B.es_value,''), ISNULL(C.es_value,'')

    FROM entity

    LEFT OUTER JOIN e_string AS B ON entity_id = B.es_entity AND B.es_attribute = 125

    LEFT OUTER JOIN e_string AS C ON entity_id = C.es_entity AND C.es_attribute = 126

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • It works

    I think I am starting to see the error of my previous way of join tables ;). But now I have a lot of statements I have to rewrite...

    Tank you all



  • Here's a little sample data in case this thread is revisited.

    [font="Courier New"]SET NOCOUNT ON

    DROP TABLE #Entity

    CREATE TABLE #Entity (entity_id INT, template_id INT, [name] VARCHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO #Entity (entity_id, template_id, [name])

    SELECT 1,34,'incident1' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,34,'incident2' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,34,'incident3'

    --SELECT * FROM #Entity

    DROP TABLE #e_string

    CREATE TABLE #e_string (es_id INT, es_entity INT, es_attribute INT, es_value VARCHAR(10))

    INSERT INTO #e_string (es_id, es_entity, es_attribute, es_value)

    SELECT 1,1,125,'data1' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,1,126,'data2' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,2,125,'data3' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4,2,126,'data4' UNION ALL

    SELECT 5,3,126,'data6'

    --SELECT * FROM #e_string

    --My SELECT so far is

    SELECT entity_id, B.es_value, C.es_value

    FROM #Entity, #e_string B, #e_string C

    WHERE entity_id = B.es_entity AND

    B.es_attribute = 125 AND

    entity_id = C.es_entity AND

    C.es_attribute = 126


    My results are:



    But I want








    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi Again

    Now I hope you still see this.

    But I have done what I been told and I use LEFT OUTER JOINS. But now the query takes 10 min to exec instead of 15 sec before. Is there a reasonable explanation for this?


  • Bo, we're a little short on information here - as an absolute minimum, would it be possible for you to post your query? All of it?



    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi

    Sorry about that, I don't know what I was thinking. I might have over done it with the JOINS, however I don't know I else to combine all my data.

    There are index'es on most of the ID's. When I made the same query with the generics approch I show earlier, the query took 15 sec or so. But now I am approching 10 min.

    SELECT A.entity_id AS 'index',

    ISNULL(B.es_value,0) AS 'Efecte_id',

    9 AS 'Sagstype',

    ISNULL(C.er_target_id,0) AS 'Kunde',

    ISNULL(D.er_target_id,0) AS 'Kategori',

    ISNULL(O.ss_value,'') AS 'Status',

    ISNULL(E.er_target_id,0) AS 'Bruger',

    ISNULL(H.er_target_id,0) AS 'Bruger_afdeling',




    ISNULL(I.entity_name,'') AS 'Bruger land',

    M.ed_value AS 'Oprettet den',

    P.ed_value AS 'Lukket den',

    S.er_target_id AS 'Efecte_user_id'

    FROM entity A

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_string B ON A.entity_id = B.es_entity AND

    B.es_class_attribute = 20

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference C ON A.entity_id = C.er_entity AND NOT

    C.er_is_target_deleted = 1 AND

    C.er_class_attribute = 895

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference D ON A.entity_id = D.er_entity AND

    D.er_class_attribute = 83 AND NOT

    D.er_is_target_deleted = 1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference E ON A.entity_id = E.er_entity AND NOT

    E.er_is_target_deleted = 1 AND

    E.er_class_attribute = 53

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entity F ON E.er_target_id = F.entity_id AND NOT

    F.entity_is_deleted = 1 AND

    F.entity_template = 41--Person

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference H ON F.entity_id = H.er_entity AND NOT

    H.er_is_target_deleted = 1 AND

    H.er_class_attribute = 749

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entity I ON H.er_target_id = I.entity_id AND NOT

    I.entity_is_deleted = 1 AND

    I.entity_template = 61--Department

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference J ON I.entity_id = J.er_entity AND NOT

    J.er_is_target_deleted = 1 AND

    J.er_class_attribute = 735

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entity K ON J.er_target_id = K.entity_id AND NOT

    K.entity_is_deleted = 1 AND

    K.entity_template = 33--Location

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_string L ON K.entity_id = L.es_entity AND

    L.es_class_attribute = 439

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_date M ON A.entity_id = M.ed_entity AND

    M.ed_class_attribute = 21

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_date P ON A.entity_id = P.ed_entity AND

    P.ed_class_attribute = 111

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_static_link N ON A.entity_id = N.esl_entity AND

    N.esl_class_attribute = 82

    LEFT OUTER JOIN static_string O ON N.esl_static_id = O.ss_static_value

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference Q ON A.entity_id = Q.er_entity AND

    Q.er_class_attribute = 65

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entity R ON Q.er_target_id = R.entity_id AND

    R.entity_template = 27 AND NOT

    R.entity_is_deleted = 1 AND

    R.entity_is_hidden = 0

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference S ON R.entity_id = S.er_entity AND NOT

    S.er_is_target_deleted = 1 AND

    S.er_class_attribute = 372

    WHERE A.entity_template = 9 AND NOT

    A.entity_is_deleted = 1 AND NOT

    A.entity_id IN ( SELECT Incident_index FROM BI.DBO.INCIDENT


    ORDER BY ISNULL(C.er_target_name,'')

  • Hi Bo

    Thanks for providing the whole query. The next job is to identify joins which can be changed from OUTER to INNER, which will shift the run duration back towards the 15 seconds which you originally had.

    If your database schema is available to you, and you have knowledge of the data, then this job is usually straightforward. But you're guessing what sort of join to use in this query, so I'll assume that you don't have it.

    You're going to have to change and test, and change and test again.

    Run your query as it is into a temporary table. Then change each join in turn from an outer join to an inner join, run again, and see if the results change. Don't change more than one join at a time before testing.

    Start with joins to your parent table [FROM entity A].

    Almost always, the rowcount of the result will tell you what you need to know.

    There are shortcuts to this process. I usually test join types as a pair of tables chopped out of the whole query. Also, I organise the joins into groups (using white space) according to the functional area of the application/database which they relate to, because often you will find that a parent-child join must be an outer join, but child-grandchild joins etc are inner joins.

    Here's your query reformatted slightly to make it more readable:

    [font="Courier New"]SELECT A.entity_id AS 'index',

                ISNULL(B.es_value,0) AS 'Efecte_id',

                9 AS 'Sagstype',

                ISNULL(C.er_target_id,0) AS 'Kunde',

                ISNULL(D.er_target_id,0) AS 'Kategori',

                ISNULL(O.ss_value,'') AS 'Status',

                ISNULL(E.er_target_id,0) AS 'Bruger',

                ISNULL(H.er_target_id,0) AS 'Bruger_afdeling',




                ISNULL(I.entity_name,'') AS 'Bruger land',

                M.ed_value AS 'Oprettet den',

                P.ed_value AS 'Lukket den',

                S.er_target_id AS 'Efecte_user_id'

    FROM entity A --#

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_string B ON A.entity_id = B.es_entity AND --#

                B.es_class_attribute = 20

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference C ON A.entity_id = C.er_entity AND NOT --#

                C.er_is_target_deleted = 1 AND

                C.er_class_attribute = 895

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference D ON A.entity_id = D.er_entity AND --#

                D.er_class_attribute = 83 AND NOT

                D.er_is_target_deleted = 1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference E ON A.entity_id = E.er_entity AND NOT --#

                E.er_is_target_deleted = 1 AND

                E.er_class_attribute = 53

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entity F ON E.er_target_id = F.entity_id AND NOT

                F.entity_is_deleted = 1 AND

                F.entity_template = 41--Person

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference H ON F.entity_id = H.er_entity AND NOT --#

                H.er_is_target_deleted = 1 AND

                H.er_class_attribute = 749  

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entity I ON H.er_target_id = I.entity_id AND NOT --#

                I.entity_is_deleted = 1 AND

                I.entity_template = 61--Department

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference J ON I.entity_id = J.er_entity AND NOT --#

                J.er_is_target_deleted = 1 AND

                J.er_class_attribute = 735

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entity K ON J.er_target_id = K.entity_id AND NOT --#

                K.entity_is_deleted = 1 AND

                K.entity_template = 33--Location

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_string L ON K.entity_id = L.es_entity AND --#

                L.es_class_attribute = 439

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_date M ON A.entity_id = M.ed_entity AND --#

                M.ed_class_attribute = 21

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_date P ON A.entity_id = P.ed_entity AND --#

                P.ed_class_attribute = 111

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_static_link N ON A.entity_id = N.esl_entity AND

                N.esl_class_attribute = 82

    LEFT OUTER JOIN static_string O ON N.esl_static_id = O.ss_static_value --#

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference Q ON A.entity_id = Q.er_entity AND

                Q.er_class_attribute = 65

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entity R ON Q.er_target_id = R.entity_id AND

                R.entity_template = 27 AND NOT

                R.entity_is_deleted = 1 AND

                R.entity_is_hidden = 0

    LEFT OUTER JOIN entitydata_reference S ON R.entity_id = S.er_entity AND NOT --#

                S.er_is_target_deleted = 1 AND

                S.er_class_attribute = 372        

    WHERE A.entity_template = 9 AND NOT

                A.entity_is_deleted = 1 AND NOT

                A.entity_id IN ( SELECT Incident_index FROM BI.DBO.INCIDENT)

    ORDER BY ISNULL(C.er_target_name,'')[/font]

    Let us know how you get on, and if you have any further questions.



    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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