Select a column not in Group By clause

  • hi friends

    seems a book table with columns : Id,Title,Subject,Price

    i want to get the most expensive books in each can i do this ?

    i tried this :


    Select Title,Subject,Max(Price)

    FROM Book

    GROUP BY Subject


    but it raise error that "Column 'Title' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause."

    what can i do ?


  • This seriously looks like homework. Is it?

    The way I'd do this is build a CTE that uses the Rank() function to rank the titles by price within each subject, then the outer query would filter by the rank column of the CTE.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • GSquared (1/11/2010)

    This seriously looks like homework. Is it?

    The way I'd do this is build a CTE that uses the Rank() function to rank the titles by price within each subject, then the outer query would filter by the rank column of the CTE.

    its not home work actually, it emergency now cause my friend ask me.

    i think about it but i raise error .. hum , could u please tell me more what do u mean ?

  • hooRRRa ,i do like this :

    SELECT * FROM Book Inner JOIN


    Select Subject,Max(Price) as Price

    FROM Book

    GROUP BY Subject


    On T.Subject=Book.Subject AND T.Price=Book.Price

    but please guide me if there's any better solution :O)

  • Normal aggregate functions (SUM(), AVG, () COUNT(), MIN(), MAX(), etc.) are available to be used as windowed functions (using OVER and PARTITION BY).

    SELECT Title,Subject, Max(Price) OVER(PARTITION BY Subject) As MaxPriceBySubject

    FROM Book


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • Eddie Wuerch (1/11/2010)

    Normal aggregate functions (SUM(), AVG, () COUNT(), MIN(), MAX(), etc.) are available to be used as windowed functions (using OVER and PARTITION BY).

    SELECT Title,Subject, Max(Price) OVER(PARTITION BY Subject) As MaxPriceBySubject

    FROM Book


    i do this exactlly, but this return all rows :O(

    how should i change your code for geting most expencive book in per subject ?

  • The query that Gsquared has suggested, (untested)

    ;WITH CTE (Title, Subject, row_no) as

    ( SELECT Title,Subject, Row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY Subject

    Order by price desc) as row_num

    FROM Book)

    Select * from CTE

    where row_num = 1


  • Sorry to be a troll, but....

    It is emergency because my friend asked me...

    NO...come on.

  • taseedorf (12/9/2015)

    Sorry to be a troll, but....

    It is emergency because my friend asked me...

    NO...come on.

    Please note....this thread is 5 years old.


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  • Sean Lange (12/9/2015)

    taseedorf (12/9/2015)

    Sorry to be a troll, but....

    It is emergency because my friend asked me...

    NO...come on.

    Please note....this thread is 5 years old.

    Heh... I've never seen a 5 year old troll before. They're a lot shorter than what I expected. 🙂

    --Jeff Moden

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