select data from a table if a column is logged with specific data

  • Hi Experts,

    How can i select data from a table if the data logged into a status column(varchar) shows as "Total Completed is greater than 1"

    For Eg:

    Date Status

    2013-03-13 12:30 Total Completed =4 /*select this*/

    2013-03-13 12:00 Total Completed =0

    Thanks in advance

  • You might be looking for something like this.

    SELECT *


    (CAST( '20130313 12:30' AS DATETIME), 'Total Completed =4'), /*select this*/

    (CAST( '20130313 12:00' AS DATETIME), 'Total Pending =5'),

    (CAST( '20130313 12:00' AS DATETIME), 'Total Completed =0'))x( Date, Status)

    WHERE Status LIKE 'Total Completed =%'

    AND SUBSTRING( Status, CHARINDEX('Total Completed =', Status) + 17, 20) > 1

    However, this seems like a very bad design for the data, try changing it.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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