SELECT doing table scan

  • I have the following code:

    select h.task_id, h.action_scheduled_date, h.employee_id, h.customer_id, h.appointment_status_id, h.task_desc Regarding


    from dwp_history h WITH (NOLOCK)

    join customer_detail cd WITH (NOLOCK) on (cd.customer_id = h.customer_id)

    where h.assigned_by_employee_id IN (0)

    and h.task_type_id = 1

    and h.is_customer = 1

    and h.customer_id > 0

    and h.action_created >= '2008-11-01 00:00:00'

    and h.action_created < '2008-12-01 00:00:00'

    When I run this with the following line comment out:


    It run fine returns in less than a second.

    But if I run it in it entirety I get a tablescan which locks the table and it takes a long time to return.

    Any ideas where to start looking?

    Warm Regards,

    Arthur Lorenzini
    Sioux Falls, SD

  • Which table is getting locked and scanned?

    If you notice, the column you are commenting out is from the second table of your join.

  • The customer_Detail is being locked. I am thinking that the indexes have not been reindexed in over a month and it could be causing the issue.

    Warm Regards,

    Arthur Lorenzini
    Sioux Falls, SD

  • Arthur.Lorenzini (11/20/2008)

    It needs to fetch extra datapages to get cd.salesman_employee_id.

    If you comment it out, it will solve the query index only for table customer_detail.

    How up to date are your statistics and space info ?

    Check out the number of rows, ... of the tables, and then try to detemine an access path yourself, chances are you'll end up doing the same with regards to least IO.

    use this to see what it uses ...

    set statistics io on

    set statistics time on


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  • Clustered index on cd.customer_id may help here.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • What do the tables look like? What are the indexes?

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