select from what?

  • select avg

    (select sum(duration) duration

    from cutlog

    group by datepart(dy,date))

    from ...............

    As you can see, I am trying to calculate an average of the values returned by subquery. But what "table" should I select from. My guess is it's some temporary table that stores the results of subquery, but I don't know how to do it in SQLServer.

    Thank you.

  • select avg(DurationSummed.duration)


    (select sum(duration) duration

    from cutlog group by datepart(dy,date))

    ) as DurationSummed



  • Thanks!

  • Is a subquery needed

    Select thedate, avg(duration), sum(duration)

    From table

    Group By thedate

    If you have multiple runs a day use:

    Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar, thedate, 101))

    Which converts the date 01/01/2005 09:00:00.00 to 01/01/2005 and then convert it back to a date for sorting with a date of 01/01/2005 00:00:00.000 and all runs fall on the same day for the sum and avg of runs.

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