• r.hensbergen (4/22/2009)

    Jayeff (4/22/2009)

    mike (4/22/2009)

    Hey! Not fair. I lost a point because of a missing ORDER BY ? Like a previous poster mentioned, both 1 and 2 are correct. :crying:

    Can I get my point back please?

    Yeah, me too!

    And see, you both got you point just by posting that you want your point back. 😉

    [font="Verdana"]Good point :)...but shouldn't these Qs be screened for accuracy?[/font]

  • SanjayAttray (4/22/2009)

    select NULL,'manoj'union select Null,'1'union select NULL,'manoj'

    order by 2


    select NULL,'manoj'union select Null,'1'union select NULL,'manoj'

    order by 1

    gives you same result.

    NULL 1

    NULL manoj

    I tried on all sql server versions and result is same. May be I am missing something here when some people are telling both 1 & 2 answers are correct.

    Try actually specifying an "order by" that can be honored by the dbms:select NULL,'manoj'

    union select Null,'1'

    union select NULL,'manoj'

    order by 2 desc

    This returns the same two rows in a different order:

    ----------- -----

    NULL manoj

    NULL 1

    (2 row(s) affected)

    So, the difference between the two 2-rows-returned answers comes down to whether you assume the same collation was chosen (or accepted) at installation time. I lost the point because as a mainframe programmer I've got EBCDIC stuck in my head and figured that letters would sort before numbers. But even as I thought that, I was grumbling to myself that without an "order by", it's a crap-shoot between the two.

  • John,

    With " order by 2 desc " are you not forcing the query to get result in the way you had desired?

    select NULL,'manoj'

    union select Null,'1'

    union select NULL,'manoj'

    order by 2 desc

    SQL DBA.

  • Maybe I'm being pedantic, but I don't think that any of the answers provided are correct.

    If you interpret a comma to be a column delimiter, the results should be either:






    Note that all of the answers in the original question have single quotes around manoj.


  • I got it right (guessed that it would sort alphabetically to remove duplicates, but that's not guaranteed, as mentioned)

    However, I reckon that *none* of the answers are (or should that be 'is?) correct.

    I would prefer to see

    NULL, '1' and NULL,'manoj' (2 rows)

    rather than

    NULL, 1 and NULL,'manoj' (2 rows)

    as the answer, as all the second-field values are clearly stated as character strings.

    Some may call that being picky, but hey, two of the 'mutually exclusive' answers are actually the same, according to set theory.

  • Points awarded back and both 1 and 2 marked as correct.

  • Too Funny. I clicked the wrong box... but interesting point just the same. Thanks for the questions!

  • ... And now the original correct choice does not give point...:ermm:

  • Arsi Salo (4/24/2009)

    ... And now the original correct choice does not give point...:ermm:

    ... which is entirely correct, since the question has been changed to (emphasis mine):

    "What can be the output for this code? (select all that apply)"

    And as already discussed at length in this topic, the query only defines which rows to be returned and not the order, so both versions can be the output (even if only one of them actually is when you run the code).

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • When it comes to fun and humor (on SQLSERVERCENTRAL), I am very good at getting the answer wrong.


  • Interesting question. Highlights the features of two clauses- UNION & ORDER BY

    but the phrasing of the question was kind of misleading. That has caused lots of folks to skip the second answer. I agree with Hugo Kornelis that the question could have been phrased a little more explicitly.

  • I chose #1, or maybe #2, but either one is correct, and it told me I was wrong. I know the test developer couldn't have made a mistake so I guess the computer just messed up :^)...

  • I know the test developer couldn't have made a mistake

    Hi Reginald,

    Do I sense some sarcasm there? 😉

    Anyway, if you selected both #1 and #2, then you should have gotten the point. If you chose one of them at random, you shouldn't - since the question (now!) specifically asks what can be the output, and asks you to "select all that apply".

    Read the preceeding discussion for more information about the original phrasing of the question and why this was changed.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • select all that apply

    Steve frequently goes in and gives credit even if the user does not "select all that apply'. Take note of a qot from 4/27/09. Question says all that apply but credit was given anyway.

    Perhaps it should be the case here as well?


  • That's a nice thought but not necessary - I just got 2 points credit on a different question - using totally false reasoning - so we're more than even !!


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