• Hi,

    I'm have the following fields in a view:

    UserID, ProjectID, User_Name, User_Rank

    I am attempting to pull the records that have the lowest user rank for each projectID.  For some reason, I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it.



  • Wait: I just reread your post

    Is user Rank a value you have in the view?

    Is this what your looking for?

    select UserID, ProjectID, User_Name, min(User_Rank) as User_Rank

    from Myview

    Group by UserID, ProjectID, User_Name

  • Yes, you're 2nd post is more of what I'm looking for.  However, that still returns more than one user per ProjectID.

  • Hi All,

    Matt - you're not just looking for this, are you?

    select ProjectID, min(User_Rank) as User_Rank from Myview Group by ProjectID

    If not, could you explain what columns you need, and perhaps even give a small example...

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Can we treat it like two tables: one is the whole view, the other is the ProjectID and the lowest rank for that project, so we want to see all the view rows for that project which have that lowest rank?

    If a project has two low-ranking users, *shouldn't* the list return both those rows?

    select p.* from MyView p join (

    select ProjectID, Min(User_Rank) from Myview group by ProjectID)

    ) b on p.ProjectID = b.ProjectID and p.User_Rank = b.User_Rank

  • Yes, Pat, that was the trick.  Treating it as two tables and referencing itself.  Thanks for your help.

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