• Hi All

    Can you please let me know what am I doing wrong here?

    SELECT NOT IN is not returning rows that should be returned.


    * from [CIATStaging].[dbo].[ResponseSelectionDictionary] where SelectionValue Like 'False%' OR SelectionValue Like 'True%'

    --Returns 2 Rows with SelectionValue 'True' and 'False'


    * FROM CADS.dbo.AssessmentSelection where SelectionValue Like 'False%' OR SelectionValue Like 'True%'

    --Returns 0 Rows


    DISTINCT R.[SelectionValue] RS, A.[SelectionValue] [AS] FROM [CIATStaging].[dbo].[ResponseSelectionDictionary] R LEFT OUTER JOIN CADS.dbo.AssessmentSelection A ON A.[SelectionValue] = R.[SelectionValue]WHERE A.[SelectionValue] IS NULL

    --Returns 2 Rows with 2 NULLs in [AS]


    DISTINCT [SelectionValue] FROM [CIATStaging].[dbo].[ResponseSelectionDictionary] WHERE [SelectionValue] NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT [SelectionValue] FROM CADS.dbo.AssessmentSelection)

    --Returns 0 rows

    I have already used NOT IN Clause in many places in my code and it might prove disasterous in future. Any Ideas other than changing the code to LEFT OUTER JOIN?




  • Try this:

    SELECT DISTINCT [SelectionValue] FROM [CIATStaging].[dbo].[ResponseSelectionDictionary] WHERE isnull([SelectionValue],'') NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT [SelectionValue] FROM CADS.dbo.AssessmentSelection)

  • Hi Sreejith

    Same - 0 rows returned

  • The issue is with NULL values. NULL don't equal anything and they don't not equal anything. NULL is like saying I don't know what this value is. So, when you do the NOT IN, you won't get NULLs returned because SQL Server can't tell if it is or isn't in the subSelect.


  • You could try:

    SELECT DISTINCT [SelectionValue] FROM [CIATStaging].[dbo].[ResponseSelectionDictionary] WHERE [SelectionValue] NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT [SelectionValue] FROM CADS.dbo.AssessmentSelection)



  • The reason is that a NULL value is in the subquery. Since NULL is a unknown value, all values from the main query are eliminated. Change to this:

    SELECT DISTINCT [SelectionValue] FROM [CIATStaging].[dbo].[ResponseSelectionDictionary] WHERE [SelectionValue] NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT [SelectionValue] FROM CADS.dbo.AssessmentSelection WHERE [SelectionValue] IS NOT NULL)


  • I ran the above 2 queries - no change = 0 rows.

    The issue is not about NULL values here. LEFT OUTER JOIN returns NULL because it does not find a match in the right table for the rows found in LEFT table. Thats why I get NULLs in LEFT OUTER JOIN query. There are 2 rows in ResponseSelectionDictionary table which I know do not exist in AssessmentSelection.

  • did you try

    where isnull(selectionvalue,0) <> 0



  • My apologies to PeterHe, your query actually works. I accidently queried another Server, which has no data. Thanks a Lot Peter!

    I originally thought that only WHERE something = NULL is effected by ANSI NULL setting, but apparently not.


    Even my query brings back results, without IS NOT NULL and Peter's query works in both cases.


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