Select out rows into one result

  • My issue is this. I have a table that consists of item (int), seqn (smallint) and desx char (50) that has all the info I need. The item column is the main reference field but is not a unique. The seqn column is unique but only to that corresponding item. The desx is the info I am trying to pull and piece together.


    item      seqn      desx

    12345   1           this

    12345   3           is

    12345   7           a

    12345   10         test

    54892   1           this

    54892   3           is

    54892   7           also a

    54892   10         test


    What I would like to do is pull everything out under the desx column based on all that are of the same item in order by seqn (the seqn is not always the same numbers but the next line of text is always a higher number). I have found out how to it using cursors and fetch individually but I am trying to find a way to do it as a mass with something like a select with a where thistable.item = thattable.item. My end result that I am looking for would be new table(using the sample table from above):

    New Table

    item     seqn (no need for it in new table)    desx

    12345--------------------------------------This is a test

    54892--------------------------------------This is also a test

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



  • This should do the trick. It uses looping but avoids using cursors



     item INT NOT NULL,

     desx VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL)

    DECLARE @items TABLE(

     nid INT IDENTITY(1,1),

     item INT)

    INSERT INTO @items


    FROM TestCat  -- (This is the table I used to store your values)

    DECLARE @text VARCHAR(2000)

    DECLARE @current_pos INT

    DECLARE @end INT

    DECLARE @current_item INT

    SET @current_pos = 1

    SET @end = (SELECT MAX(nid) FROM @items)

    WHILE @current_pos <= @end



     SET @text = ''

     SET @current_item = (SELECT item FROM @items WHERE nid = @current_pos)


     SELECT @text = @text + RTRIM(LTRIM(desx)) + ' '

     FROM TestCat

     WHERE item = @current_item

     ORDER BY seqn






     SET @current_pos = @current_pos + 1


    SELECT *

    FROM New

    item           desx                                                       

    ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------

    12345        this is a test

    54892        this is also a test


  • Thanks alot! It does exactly what I needed but it is(of course) limited to 256 characters. The rows I am merging could up to a total of 1610. Ideally I would like it to do infinate but 1610 would get me past this hurtle. Is there any way to correct the 256 limitation?

  • Thanks alot! It does exactly what I needed but it is(of course) limited to 256 characters. The rows I am merging could up to a total of 1610. Ideally I would like it to do infinate but 1610 would get me past this hurtle. Is there any way to correct the 256 limitation?

  • If you need 1610 char's then:


     item INT NOT NULL,

     desx VARCHAR(1610 - 8000) NOT NULL)

    if 8000 char's is not big enough then make "desx" a text file which can hold up to 2 gig.

    DECLARE @text VARCHAR(1610 - 8000)

  • It just dawned on me where you are running into the 256 char limit. In you query analyzer select from the top bar menu "Tools" then "Options". Select the "Results" tab and change the "Maximum characters per column:" to 2000 or 8000 and "Apply".

    Then rerun your query

  • Interesting coincidence... this is already third question of the same type today. Please see my reply in this thread :

    You'll have to change the length of returned string to 1610 (or whatever - but both in RETURNS and  DECLARE) and add the correct ordering to ORDER BY seqn... Otherwise just replace the table and variable names with what you need, delimiter with space, and it should work. Oh, and you don't need the final trimming of trailing delimiter, since the trailing space will be removed automatically (it's a varchar).

    HTH, Vladan

  • Thanks all. The option was the thing that fixed it.

  • Another solution that I found on this forum:




     DECLARE @concat VARCHAR(100)

     SELECT @concat = ISNULL (@concat, '') + col +' '

     FROM test WHERE col1 = @i

     ORDER BY col2

     RETURN @concat



    SELECT col1, dbo.udf_concat (col1)

    FROM test

    GROUP BY col1


    ----------- ----------------------

    12345       this is a test

    54892       this is also a test

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