select query

  • select max(myDate) from

    ( select field_1 myDate from myTable

    union all

    select field_2 myDate from myTable

    union all

    select field_3 myDate from myTable) as Temp

    It will return the maximum date of the three date columns values.

    Example :

    If u r data would be like below

    select * from myTable

    field_1 field_2 field_3

    1/1/2010 2/2/2010 3/3/2010

    1/1/2011 2/2/2011 3/3/2011

    Query Returns :


  • It can also be done using Pivot Concept...very simple

    SELECT Max(date)

    FROM (SELECT date

    FROM (SELECT date1,



    FROM sample) AS X

    UNPIVOT (date

    FOR sample IN (date1,


    date3)) AS unpivoty) AS Z

  • I thought this would be an easy one but had to get some help too. Try this...

    declare @dt table ( akey int, d1 datetime, d2 datetime, d3 datetime )

    insert into @dt values (1, '2012-01-01', getdate(), '2012-09-01' )

    insert into @dt values (2, getdate(), '2012-01-01', '2012-09-01' )

    insert into @dt values (3, '2012-01-01', '2012-09-01', getdate() )


    akey, max(dates)


    ( select akey, d1, d2, d3 from @dt ) p

    unpivot (

    dates for datevals in ( d1, d2, d3 )


    AS unpvt

    group by akey

  • I thought I had posted my reply prior so I apologize if this is a duplicate post...

    Here is an alternative you may want to try to get the max date value form your columns. I thought this was simple but had to get help from a peer.

    declare @dt table ( akey int, d1 datetime, d2 datetime, d3 datetime )

    insert into @dt values (1, '2012-01-01', getdate(), '2012-09-01' )

    insert into @dt values (2, getdate(), '2012-01-01', '2012-09-01' )

    insert into @dt values (3, '2012-01-01', '2012-09-01', getdate() )


    akey, max(dates)


    ( select akey, d1, d2, d3 from @dt ) p

    unpivot (

    dates for datevals in ( d1, d2, d3 )


    AS unpvt

    group by akey

  • --Sample Data

    declare @tbl table


    id int primary key

    ,field_1 date

    ,field_2 date

    ,field_3 date


    insert into @tbl values(1,'20120823','20120824','20120825')


    select max(a.mydate),

    from (

    select id,MAX(field_1) mydate from @tbl group by id

    union all

    select id,MAX(field_2) from @tbl group by id

    union all

    select id,MAX(field_3) from @tbl group by id


    group by

    I think this is what required for you.......

    So, from the next time whenever you post a query make sure that you provide sample data like above so that one can easily answer your query.........

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]Vishwanath[/font]

  • --sample Data

    declare @tbl table


    id int

    ,field_1 date

    ,field_2 date

    ,field_3 date


    insert into @tbl values(1,'20120823','20120824','20120825')


    select max(a.mydate),

    from (

    select id,field_1 mydate from @tbl

    union all

    select id,field_2 from @tbl

    union all

    select id,field_3 from @tbl


    group by

    I think this is what you require.... Please provide some sample day from next time.. So, that it will be easy to answer

  • what is differential backup .

  • why is differntial backup is so important

  • fadewumi (4/23/2013)

    why is differntial backup is so important

    Please post new questions to a new thread. This question has nothing to do with this thread.

    And, fyi, a differential backup is a backup of all changes made to a database since the last full backup.

  • You have to alias the subquery in this case:

    select max(myDate) from

    ( select field_1 myDate from myTable

    union all

    select field_2 myDate from myTable

    union all

    select field_3 myDate from myTable) x

  • My first thought would be to do the case statement shown earlier. This seems to be cleaner code if someone else has to look at it in the future.

    To those that are doing the 'Union All'. If you are trying to get the max date wouldn't just using the 'Union' statement be more efficient? Since doing just 'Union' will eliminate any duplicate entries. 'Union All' puts in every entry into the result set.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Erroneous posting, sorry!

  • CASE WHEN CASE WHEN date1 > date2 THEN date1 ELSE date2 END > CASE WHEN date3 > date2 THEN date3 ELSE date2 END THEN CASE WHEN date1 > date2 THEN date1 ELSE date2 END ELSE CASE WHEN date3 > date2 THEN date3 ELSE date2 END END

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • the database TSQL2012 used in the following script can be downloaded at:

    USE TSQL2012;

    --select the grandmax of the max of three columns

    DECLARE @date1Max AS datetime = (SELECT MAX([orderdate])

    FROM [Sales].[OrderValues]);

    DECLARE @date2Max AS datetime = (SELECT MAX([requireddate])

    FROM [Sales].[OrderValues]);

    DECLARE @date3Max AS datetime = (SELECT MAX([shippeddate])

    FROM [Sales].[OrderValues]);

    --SELECT @date1Max AS orderdate, @date2Max AS requireddate , @date3Max AS shippeddate; --TO CHECK CORRECT DATE


    WHEN @date1Max >= @date2Max AND @date1Max >= @date2Max THEN @date1Max

    WHEN @date2Max >= @date1Max AND @date1Max >= @date3Max THEN @date2Max

    ELSE @date3Max

    END AS GrandMax;

    --very costly way to do the same

    select max(myDate) from

    ( select [orderdate] myDate from [Sales].[OrderValues]

    union all

    select [requireddate] myDate from [Sales].[OrderValues]

    union all

    select [shippeddate] myDate from [Sales].[OrderValues]) uniontable ;

    Two ways to obtain the same result, the first has a query cost of 27%, the second 73%, when run together, in the first there is just three simple select statements and a select statement to process a CASE statement with no cost whatsoever because it does everything in memory.

    As to the efficiency of the union all against the union, the union all is more efficient because it doesn't have to filter out the duplicate rows. It would make a difference though, if the aggregation was other than max or min.

  • Note that this thread is almost 4 years old.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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