Select Single Column From exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_job

  • Is there a way to select just a single column from "exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_job"? I only want the current_execution_status column.

  • For a quick and dirty solution, you can just make a copy of that system stored proc (carefully, as you don't want to overwrite existing system stored procs if you can avoid it), and modify it to return only the column(s) you want.

    If you want something to reuse over and over, I'd recommend you use that reverse engineer their stored proc, and use it to write your own, avoiding all of the overhead for the other stuff that that returns.

  • select




    'set fmtonly off;execute msdb.dbo.sp_help_job') rmt


    name = 'My Job Name'

  • Depending on your environment, that solution may or may not be acceptable. By default, I don't think the surface area configurator is going to allow the openrowset shown above, although that can be changed if acceptable.

  • Hi,

    I managed to get the single column by creating a temp table and inserting all current jobs into the table. I then simply queried over the temp table:

    INSERT INTO #xp_results

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs @is_sysadmin, @job_owner

    SELECT .... FROM #xp_results

    This approach was suggested on a different site but I forget which site it was. Thanks to you both for your suggestions, much appreciated.

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