Select Statement

  • Hi

    I have a simple table with the following fields


    Sales date

    Sales value


    I would like to do a select statement to output into the following format

    customer |  sales val yr 1 |  sales val yr 2 |  sales val yr3

    Could I do this through a sql select statement? and if so what is the correct

    syntax to achieve this.


    Thanks for your help!


  • Sagar, check out some of the "script" resources on this site at either Misc. or TSQL aids, search for "pivot" etc.

    Please post back to this thread if (or not) you found a satifactory answer. Thanks.

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • You would do it with a statement like this one:


    select sum(CASE year

    WHEN 2002 THEN sales

    ELSE null

    END) as y2002,

    sum(CASE year

    WHEN 2003 THEN sales

    ELSE null

    END) as y2003,

    sum(CASE year

    WHEN 2004 THEN sales

    ELSE null

    END) as y2004

    from sales_data


    If you don't have a "year" column, per se, then you could use a statement like "DATEPART(yyyy, sales_date)" to get the year that the transaction occured.

    Wow - the formatting really sucks on that. I suppose that's why I do SQL and not HTML


  • one minor fix to the above solution

    select Customer, sum(CASE year

    WHEN 2002 THEN sales

    ELSE null

    END) as y2002,

    sum(CASE year

    WHEN 2003 THEN sales

    ELSE null

    END) as y2003,

    sum(CASE year

    WHEN 2004 THEN sales

    ELSE null

    END) as y2004

    from sales_data

    Group By Customer

    * Noel

  • Thanks Guys - both proved very useful!

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