• Hi, all!

    I decided to search for help once more. Recently I started to work in a small publishing house, where my main job is DB administering with SQL Server 2000. I made new simple project using MSDE. Then I made table called Products, with those fields:




    units_in office int, 4

    units_at owner int, 4

    units_on sale int, 4.

    I hope you will understand that int is datatype and 4 is data lenth.

    I want to make union query to sum those 3 last fields.

    Can you give me an expression to do it?

    I'll be very greatfull if anyone could help me out.

  • Does this solve your problem?

    Select product_id, product_name, units_in office  + units_at owner  + units_on sale AS Total from dbo.Products

  • I'm sorry but no it does not!

    I was hoping for better answer, because of course in T-SQL there isn't expression like +

    Anyone else help me

  • Well yes there is, but probably not for what you need.


    Can you take the time to post some sample data and the exact required output from that data.  We'll get you going once we have that information.

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