Selectecting records from the table falling in provided date range

  • I want to write the select Query which will select all the records from the table which falls or exceeds the provided date range

    My table has columns

    ID ProjectId TaskName StartDate EndDate

    1 1 Task1 1/20/2008 10/10/2008

    2 1 task2 2/26/2008 3/10/2008

    3 1 task3 5/25/2008 7/6/2008

    4 1 task4 4/30/2008 12/23/2008

    5 1 task5 12/25/2008 1/1/2009

    6 1 task6 10/12/2008 10/25/2008

    7 1 task7 8/9/2008 9/9/2008

    8 1 task8 3/22/2008 4/4/2008

    9 1 task9 5/2/2008 6/6/2008

    10 1 task10 8/12/2008 11/1/2008

    I have to select the records for the particular date range

    I am taking input parameters as startDateInput and EndDateInput


    If startDateInput = 5/5/2008 and EndDateInput = 10/9/2008

    Then Output datatable should look like

    ID ProjectId TaskName StartDate EndDate

    1 1 Task1 1/20/2008 10/10/2008

    3 1 task3 5/25/2008 7/6/2008

    4 1 task4 4/30/2008 12/23/2008

    7 1 task7 8/9/2008 9/9/2008

    9 1 task9 5/2/2008 6/6/2008

    10 1 task10 8/12/2008 11/1/2008

    How to write query for this

    How to write query for this

    Plz help if you know the answer.

    Its Urgent.......

  • Hello,

    you will get much better response if you will post your questions with table definitions (CREATE TABLE ....) and sample data (INSERT INTO ...).

    If I understand correctly, what you need is to find all tasks, that were active for at least one day during the given time (i.e. between startDateInput and EndDateInput - let's call that "Period"). That is, you want to include:

    - tasks that started before Period and ended during Period

    - tasks that started before Period and ended after Period

    - tasks that started during Period and ended during Period

    - tasks that started during Period and ended after Period

    I'm not sure what you want to do with tasks that have no Enddate - should these be included or ignored?

    Generally, if that really is what you need, simply select all rows

    possibly with some NULL treatment if you want to include tasks without EndDate.

    EDIT : Forum engine is "eating" my code ... can't post it. No idea what's happening 🙁

  • OK, I will describe the solution, because the code loses great part when I try to post it, probably everything between "less than" and "greater than". Strange, never happened to me before.

    - tasks that started before Period and ended during Period

    - tasks that started before Period and ended after Period

    - tasks that started during Period and ended during Period

    - tasks that started during Period and ended after Period

    Together that makes Tasks that started before the end of Period, and ended after the start of Period. That covers all possibilities.

    To write a condition that will cover it is simple. Just take all rows where start date is less than (or equal to) InputEndDate, and at the same time end date is greater than (or equal to) InputStartDate.

  • Now at one glance I feel that if all you require is the output based on your two paramenters then there is a function which you could make use of.

    That would BETWEEN 'parameter1' AND 'parameter2'

    so ur code should be something like this

    select * from dbo.Table

    where date BETWEEN startdate AND enddate

    so think that would do for your output...

  • Linson.Daniel (2/11/2009)

    Now at one glance I feel that if all you require is the output based on your two paramenters then there is a function which you could make use of.

    That would BETWEEN 'parameter1' AND 'parameter2'

    so ur code should be something like this

    select * from dbo.Table

    where date BETWEEN startdate AND enddate

    so think that would do for your output...

    Your solution with BETWEEN would work when looking for one particular date. The question as I understand it is to find whether two time periods overlap or not. You don't have one date, but StartDate and EndDate.

  • Where StartDate Between startDateInput and EndDateInput

    OR EndDate Between startDateInput and EndDateInput

    OR (StartDate "Less than" startDateInput and StartDate "greater than" EndDateInput)

  • If OP wants to select records where the date range in the table row overlaps the date range defined in the input parameters, then Vladan is right, and rtomkins' extra filter criteria are unecessary. The WHERE clause would be

    WHERE (StartDate <= @EndDateInput) AND (EndDate >= @StartDateInput)

  • andrewd.smith (2/11/2009)

    If OP wants to select records where the date range in the table row overlaps the date range defined in the input parameters, then Vladan is right, and rtomkins' extra filter criteria are unecessary. The WHERE clause would be

    WHERE (StartDate <= @EndDateInput) AND (EndDate >= @StartDateInput)

    Unless EndDate can be NULL - in which case you need to also check for that:

    WHERE StartDate <= @EndDateInput

    AND (EndDate >= @StartDateInput OR EndDate IS NULL)

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