Selecting First row from a set

  • I have good one:

    There is a table t1 with columns C1 and C2. The result from t1 is as under:

    1 1

    1 2

    1 3

    2 1

    2 2

    2 3

    3 2

    4 1


    I want to select the result set:

    1 1

    2 1

    3 2

    4 1


    The first record in the group. I have done this using a temp table and an Identity Value and then by selecting the Min(IdentityCOL) or can be done by using cursors as well.

    But is there a way to write a SQL Select query for the same problem without creating a temp table or Cursor? Help will be appreciated




  • Not sure it's what you need but :

    Select c1, min(c2) as c2 from t1 group by c1

  • Thanks for the reply Remi - but it is not the Minimum it is the first value in the group that I want in the result set.

  • Maybe something like this :

    create table #ids( n int,name varchar(20))

    insert into #ids (n,name) values (7534,'tt')

    insert into #ids (n,name) values (7535,'tt')

    insert into #ids (n,name) values (7536,'tt')

    insert into #ids (n,name) values (7537,'nn')

    insert into #ids (n,name) values (7538,'nn')

    insert into #ids (n,name) values (7539,'tt')


    Start end COunt name

    7534 7536 3 tt

    7537 7538 2 nn

    7539 7539 1 tt


    SELECT,MAX(Y.n),X.n,X.n-MAX(Y.n)+1 as Count


    (SELECT a.n,

    FROM #ids a LEFT OUTER JOIN #ids b

    ON AND a.n=b.n-1


    ) X


    (SELECT a.n,

    FROM #ids a LEFT OUTER JOIN #ids b

    ON AND a.n=b.n+1


    ) Y


    WHERE Y.n<=X.n

    GROUP BY,X.n

    DROP TABLE #ids

  • Thats was fantastic, awesome, brilliant - thanks a lot Remi!

    Is it possible to remove the Max co-ordinate from the result set? It needs to be removed from Group By as well.

  • I mean the n (max value) from the result set - can that be removed?

  • just Wrap the query in a select statement SQL is smart enough!

    select X


    ( THE QUERY) derived


    * Noel

  • Also I forgot the usual :

    Table are sets, sets have no order. There's no first or last or middle in a table. If you want order specify an order by clause. But I guess you already knew that .

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