Selecting Max(ID)

  • Let's say I have a simple table as follows:

    declare @TestTable table (

    ID int,

    EmployeeID int,

    Salary varchar(12)


    insert into @TestTable (






    (1, 5, '1000'),

    (2, 6, '2000'),

    (3, 7, '1000'),

    (4, 5, '2000'),

    (5, 6, '2500')

    How can I select the Max(ID) for each EmployeeID?

    The results would be as follows:





    Seems like it should be really simple, but I am a struggling newbie.


  • Think this might do it.

    ;WITH cte

    AS (SELECT Row_Number() OVER(PARTITION BY EmployeeID ORDER BY ID DESC) AS rn,ID,EmployeeID,Salary

    FROM @TestTable)

    SELECT * FROM cte WHERE Rn = 1


    rn ID EmployeeID Salary

    1 4 5 2000

    1 5 6 2500

    1 3 7 1000

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • declare @TestTable table (

    ID int,

    EmployeeID int,

    Salary varchar(12)


    insert into @TestTable (






    (1, 5, '1000'),

    (2, 6, '2000'),

    (3, 7, '1000'),

    (4, 5, '2000'),

    (5, 6, '2500')

    SELECT tt.* FROM @TestTable tt INNER JOIN (

    SELECT MAX(id) id,EmployeeID FROM @TestTable GROUP BY EmployeeID) t

    ON tt.EmployeeID = t.EmployeeID




    ID EmployeeID Salary

    3 7 1000

    4 5 2000

    5 6 2500

  • Perfect!!

    Thanks for the responses, much appreciated.

  • bubs,

    This may be an irrelevant question, but how many rows are you planning on running against? If this is a one time shot it's not a big deal, but if this is code going into a production environment, you should know that the performance speed of those two solutions may differ considerably at different volumes. (You'll get correct results either way.)


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Which one will perform better?

    It is going into a production environment. There are not very many rows now, but it will grow over time. There could potentially be several thousand rows.

  • It depends. The Row_Number() technique wins at low volumes and the MAX() function performs better as you start moving up to to tens of thousands of rows. There is at least one more way to do it involving selecting the top(1) row for a sorted group, which I would recommend if you are going to be processing a million or more rows.

    Take a look at this article[/url] and you'll see all three techniques compared. The examples in the article are based on a maximum date rather than a maximum ID, but the principal is the same.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Even this worked ...

    (select max(id),employeeid,max(salary) from sc2

    group by employeeid)

  • That's true given the data supplied. But my understanding is that the requirement was to get the salary from the row with the max(id), whether or not that happened to be the maximum salary.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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