Self join challenge

  • I have the following problem to solve and I do not want to use cursors:

    Table A:

    Col1    Col2

    1        3

    1        4

    1        5

    2        6

    2        7

    2        8

    I want to create a self joined table:

    Table B

    Col1   Col2_1   Col2_2

    1         3           4

    1         4           5

    2         6           7

    2         7           8

    This is like a parent-child relationship query.  Any ideas?


  • How about this?

    select t1.col1 as COL1, t1.col2 as COL2_1, t2.col2 as COL2_2

    FROM tbltable t1, tbltable t2

    WHERE t1.col1=t2.col1

    AND t1.col2<t2.col2

    AND t1.col2<>(t2.col2)-2


  • Ryan, it was a nice try but would not solve my problem.

    My example was a bit misleading: the numbers in Col2 do not nicely increment by 1, but by any arbitary number.

    I tried the following: first create two temp tables then join them.  But it looks a bit clumsy.  I wonder if there is method to generate the esquential numbers (where I used Identity) without resorting to temp tables.

    select id = IDENTITY(int, 1,1), a.Col1, a.Col2 into #a

    from table a join table b on a.Col1 = b.Col1 and a.Col2 < b.Col2

    group by a.Col1, a.Col2

    order by a.Col1, a.Col2

    select id = IDENTITY(int, 1,1), a.Col1, a.Col2 into #a

    from table a join table b on a.Col1 = b.Col1 and a.Col2 < b.Col2

    group by a.Col1, a.Col2

    order by a.Col1, a.Col2

    select #a.*, #b.*

    from #a join #b on =

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