• Hi,

    I have Outlook 2000 installed on my IIS / SQL server and have two Outlook profiles configured to connect to seperate Exchange accounts.

    I would like to send emails depending on the message from either of the two profiles. Except it always sends the message from the default profile account 'Profile 1'!

    How do I select a different profile name prior to sending the message ?


    EXEC master.dbo.xp_startmail 'Profile 2'

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail

    @receipients = 'Mike',

    @subject = 'test',

    @message = 'message'

    This sends the email from the default profile 'Profile 1' !!!!!!!

    Also, is it possible to send an email in HTHL format rather than plain text ?



  • 1. You have to specify a password and make sure that the SQL Server account has access to that other Profile!

    2. Sendmail does NOT provides HTML capabilities 🙁


    * Noel

  • Thanks for that.

    Our IIS server is logged in as Administrator and both Exchange profiles can be access by this user.

    Do you mean I should start the xp_startmail with an NT user name and password rather than a profile name ?

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_startmail 'NT User Name', 'Password'



  • 1.The IIS account is not important for that, is the SQL Server Service Account the one that has to have the permissions

    2. The procedure is like this

    exec xp_stopmail -- Stop the session if Running

    exec xp_startmail 'PROFILE NAME', 'password for user'

    exec xp_sendmail @recipients ='', @subject ='test'

    * Noel

  • Hi,

    It works !!!

    I think the key to this one is you stopped the mail service before specificing a new profile as it also works now without sending a password.

    Thanks once again.


  • Because you are using Exchange Mail and NOT internet mail you are authenticating with NT Account only and that's why you don't require password.

    I am glad I could help

    * Noel

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