Server 2000 exam or Server 2003?

  • I have passed 3 of the 4 exams required for MCDBA certification but I have no experience or training on MS Server 2000 or Server 2003.

    Should go for the Server 2000 exam? Or do you think it will not be valid for long enough to be worthwhile, so I should go straight for one of the Server 2003 exams?

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

  • It depends on your future plans to upgrade your MCDBA after the Yukon version is released. I suspect that Microsoft will not have an upgrade exam like the MCSE's get to upgrade with only one long exam. My guess is that to become a Yukon MCDBA, you will have to pass each of the individual tests, one of which will presumably be the Windows 2003 Server test.

    So if you take the Windows 2003 Server test now, you will not have to re-take it to upgrade to Yukon. However, if you want to take at least a year off after your MCDBA is complete, then take the Windows 2000 test and be proud of your accomplishment. There are still many organizations running Windows NT and 2000. With the Windows 2003 Server CAL licensing scheme, I doubt there will be wide adoption of Windows 2003 until there is some compelling functionality (like Yukon on Windows 2003) that makes it worth the cost.

    My two cents...

    BTW, I passed the Windows 2000 test and now I'm working on the SQL Server tests. For my elective, I will take a .NET test so that I can re-use it when I upgrade to Yukon.

  • Thanks for your views on this, I haven't been thinking about how Yukon will affect this.

    The more I look into it the more I think the 2000 would be more appropriate for my current work and I am guessing that a lot of what I learn on 2000 can be taken to 2003 anyway, so I won't be starting from scratch if I do take 2003 at a later date.

    I will probably regret this when it comes to taking the 2003 exam but I guess it gives me something to aim for in the future...

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