server name after migration

  • If you have a SQL server MYSERVER with named instance INST1 you may only change the server name. The instance name will remain as it was installed like so


    A default instance would go from MYSERVER to MYSERVER2


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (4/10/2012)

    If you have a SQL server MYSERVER with named instance INST1 you may only change the server name. The instance name will remain as it was installed like so


    A default instance would go from MYSERVER to MYSERVER2

    Yuppers... My thinking was off. Since we have only single default instances, all we do is change the server names. In a moment of confusion I thought we were changing the instance name, but it is simply the server name. Sorry! 🙂

    Typically what we do is get our new server up and running, restore backups of all databases, set up active subscriptions and inactive publications. Then, the night of the switch we disable all replications, rename old server, change DNS, restart. Then rename new server, change dns, restart. Then reinstate all replications. That's the gist of a simple server with stand-alone default instance and replication.

    CE - Microsoft

  • If you have a Typically what we do is get our new server up and running, restore backups of all databases, set up active subscriptions and inactive publications. Then, the night of the switch we disable all replications, rename old server, change DNS, restart. Then rename new server, change dns, restart. Then reinstate all replications. That's the gist of a simple server with stand-alone default instance and replication.

    So when you say your rename server, you do both rename computer name then use sp_dropserver and sp_addserver to rename SQl server name, correct? then after both done, you change dns, restart, I just want to make sure the order for doing the part of sp_addserver for changing the server name.

  • sqlfriends (4/10/2012)

    If you have a Typically what we do is get our new server up and running, restore backups of all databases, set up active subscriptions and inactive publications. Then, the night of the switch we disable all replications, rename old server, change DNS, restart. Then rename new server, change dns, restart. Then reinstate all replications. That's the gist of a simple server with stand-alone default instance and replication.

    So when you say your rename server, you do both rename computer name then use sp_dropserver and sp_addserver to rename SQl server name, correct? then after both done, you change dns, restart, I just want to make sure the order for doing the part of sp_addserver for changing the server name.

    I'm going to have to let someone else answer that... Not sure if you have to rename 1 before the other or have a restart inbetween. Someone will probably answer that before I get to work to ask my colleague tomorrow. Also, our DNS change is coordinated through our NOC. So they have to be on the conference bridge when we do this.

    CE - Microsoft

  • sqlfriends (4/10/2012)

    So when you say your rename server, you do both rename computer name then use sp_dropserver and sp_addserver to rename SQl server name, correct? then after both done, you change dns, restart, I just want to make sure the order for doing the part of sp_addserver for changing the server name.

    Step 1. Rename windows server at OS level

    Step 2. Reboot server

    Step 3. Exec sp_dropserver 'oldservername'

    Step 4. Exec sp_addserver 'newseevermame\instance', 'local' if named instance or

    Exec sp_addserver 'newservername', 'local' if default instance.

    Step 5. Restart SQL server service


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (4/10/2012)

    sqlfriends (4/10/2012)

    So when you say your rename server, you do both rename computer name then use sp_dropserver and sp_addserver to rename SQl server name, correct? then after both done, you change dns, restart, I just want to make sure the order for doing the part of sp_addserver for changing the server name.

    Step 1. Rename windows server at OS level

    Step 2. Reboot server

    Step 3. Exec sp_dropserver 'oldservername'

    Step 4. Exec sp_addserver 'newseevermame\instance', 'local' if named instance or

    Exec sp_addserver 'newservername', 'local' if default instance.

    Step 5. Restart SQL server service

    Thank you, I don't see change DNS name in the steps.

  • sqlfriends (4/11/2012)

    ...I don't see change DNS name in the steps.

    You're unbelievable....

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • opc.three (4/11/2012)

    sqlfriends (4/11/2012)

    ...I don't see change DNS name in the steps.

    You're unbelievable....

    LMAO You will have to work with your network admins on this one.

    CE - Microsoft

  • SQLKnowItAll (4/11/2012)

    opc.three (4/11/2012)

    sqlfriends (4/11/2012)

    ...I don't see change DNS name in the steps.

    You're unbelievable....

    LMAO You will have to work with your network admins on this one.

    Okay, who has the silver spoon today?

  • Lynn Pettis (4/11/2012)

    SQLKnowItAll (4/11/2012)

    opc.three (4/11/2012)

    sqlfriends (4/11/2012)

    ...I don't see change DNS name in the steps.

    You're unbelievable....

    LMAO You will have to work with your network admins on this one.

    Okay, who has the silver spoon today?

    Here is a free one: Totally Free Crap > Free Spoon[/url]

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • sqlfriends (4/11/2012)

    Thank you, I don't see change DNS name in the steps.

    When you rename the Windows computer it should change this for you and update the account in AD.

    An ipconfig/registerdns should force the dns update otherwise 😉


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks all.

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