Server name changed

  • I am replacing a production server.

    To minimize downtime, I am doing this over the holiday but I am preparing right now.

    So, I am setting the new hardware (tmp-svr) with all apps and software (SQL 7.)

    The plan is to have it ready and then copy the db from production server(prod) to this new hardware(tmp-svr)& DHCP setting. Change name of (prod)& set as DCHP. Change name of this (tmp-svr) to (prod) and the IP address from (prod). My question is. Do you know if SQL will be ok with that? I am hopping that maybe all I need to do is re-register the server on Enterprise Manager. Any help/advice or tips will be appreciated.

    (tmp-svr)(Prod) not real names.

    Win2K servers.

  • It's been a while since we replace sql 7 but I think you have run set up for sql 7 again to get the server you rename to work. Please don't feel too worry if it ask you to run set up. Go ahead and run setup from your software network file or cd, and it basicly just verified that everything is in place and will finish in about 1 to 2 minutes. It will not wipe out your server.


  • Not sure if its the same with sql7, but one thing to watch are sql agent jobs.

    I renamed a sql 2000 box, and found that I couldn't amend any maintenance jobs as the server thought they where owned by a master server. This was because the jobs where owned by the old server name, changeing the name in the msdb job table sorted it out no problem.


  • msdb database, I had to hack it by going into sysjobs and update the sysjobs so that it point to local or the new name. It not that bad though if you got it for the first time you might get frustrated about not being able to change your task ... hm am off topic about maintenence job. I mean just regular job. We don't use maintence job wizzard. We have a proc that we run after we create each database so that it create backup device, backup data and log job as well as dbcc check weekly for us.


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