server taking a dirt nap...

  • Morning,

    Guess when it rains it pours. Coming in this morning I attempt to go into either QA or enterprise manager and once I either click the dropdown for database in QA or click database in enterprise the server just roles over.

    Average Disk Queue Length goes thru the roof, stays pegged at 100%. After upwards of 5 minutes it will finally show the dropdown or expand the tree, and then if I do anything else, same results.

    Rebooted the server, no change. Processor is fine, not showing a load.

    No users are connected to the db and no processess are hitting against anything.

    This has happened twice now on this particular machine (Win2003 server) and I solved it the last time by slogging thru things, managing to generate a backup which for a 2GB database finished in <5min and restoring. Things were great after that, until this morning.

    Any thoughts on it? It's things like this that scare the hell out of me. I'm a somewhat self-taught person since my boss put all his faith in a moron who basically screwed us and left us high and dry. He wont put up for formal high-level classes. He thinks MSSQL is bullet-proof... I keep telling him its just wearing a bullet-proof vest, you can still take a headshot 🙁

    I'm just lucky this is happening in a test environment, instead of when there is a customer breathing down our necks.



  • Same thing happen when you're connected to the server? I'd run from the server directly with the network cable disconnected, see if any change. Are you running C2 auditing or a server side trace of any kind? Are the db's set to autoclose? Defragged the disks? Virus checked?


  • What is the tempDB size, how mauch drive space is left, what is the ram and page file amounts, have you checked for unneccessary services running, and have you recently ran windows update?

  • hrmmm... I thought I had replied to this almost after I wrote it.

    I had been futzing around and clicked the auto close button.

    After I stopped swearing at the machine and was able to look at it I figured out what happened.


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