SERVERPROPERTY(''LicenseType'') incorrectly says "PER_SEAT" in cluster

  • I'm running Sql Server 2K SP3a (Enterprise) in a MS2003 clustered environment. I know I installed Sql Server using Per Processor licensing (4 processors), however when I run SERVERPROPERTY I get the following results:

    select SERVERPROPERTY('LicenseType'), SERVERPROPERTY('NumLicenses')

    PER_SEAT 4

    I have a couple instances on this cluster, all installed using Per Processor licensing, all reporting PER_SEAT.

    Even when I look at the License Info in Control Panel, it says Per Seat.

    I've heard of other people seeing this same behavior, but I've yet to find any explanation, from MS or otherwise. So has anyone else here experienced this behavior in a clustered environment?

    Colleen M. Morrow
    Cleveland DBA

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  • I have experienced the same result, I've installed SQL 2000 with SP3a and SP4 in multiple Win2K3 clusters and they all report Per_Seat=4 even though I always selected Per Processor.  I haven't found an explaination either...actually got to this site/thread searching for one.

    I suppose it's a feature of clustering.




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