Set based ideas ? Cursors way too slow....

  • Howzit all,

    I have the following scenario... and I am trying to figure out how to do it in a set based scenario...

    I have the following table..

    ItemCode Date Sales Purchases

    A 2006-01-01 5 0

    A 2006-02-01 0 0

    A 2006-03-01 2 0

    A 2006-04-01 0 20

    A 2006-05-01 0 0

    A 2006-06-01 6 0

    A 2006-07-01 0 35

    I need to produce the following output... (given that I know Item A had

    starting inventory prior to 2006-01-01 of 10

    ItemCode Date Sales Purchases EndingInventory FreeToSell

    A 2006-01-01 5 0 5 3

    A 2006-02-01 0 0 5 3

    A 2006-03-01 2 0 3 3

    A 2006-04-01 0 20 23 17

    A 2006-05-01 0 0 23 17

    A 2006-06-01 6 0 17 17

    A 2006-07-01 0 35 52 52

    The logic goes something like this..

    EndingInventory = EndingInventory on previous line (i.e. Month or day etc)

    - Sales

    + Purchases

    So.. 1st line gives : 10 - 5 + 0 = 5.

    FreetoSell = EndingInventory - (All Sales in following dates prior to the next date where a purchase takes place).

    So on line 1 it is : 5 - 2 ( Sum Sales where Date > 2006-01-01 and Date < 2006-04-01 (As 2006-04-01 contains purchases).. Obviously if there are no future purchases.. it would be Sum Sales where Date > 2006-01-01...

    The logic follows down row by row and the results are generated..

    Writing this logic with a cursor is simple, but takes FOREVER to run...

    Any smart idea's on a better solution ?

    BTW... there are about 65k different combinations of Items and Dates in that table.. my example assumes 1 item code... obviously this calculation is per item.

    My calculation using Cursors takes nearly an hour to run for all 65k lines..

  • The "FreeToSell" concept is difficult.  Here is the first part:

    declare @inventory table(ItemCode char(1), qty int)

    insert @inventory values('A', 10)

    declare @purchase table (ItemCode char(1), Date datetime, Sales int, Purchases int)

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-01-01', 5, 0)

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-02-01', 0, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-03-01', 2, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-04-01', 0, 20 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-05-01', 0, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-06-01', 6, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-07-01', 0, 35 )

    select p.Itemcode, p.Date, p.Sales, p.Purchases, i.qty + chg.netchange EndingInventory, 0 FreeToSell

    from @purchase p

    inner join @inventory i

    on p.itemcode = i.itemcode

    inner join (select pd.itemcode,, coalesce(sum(tdp.purchases - tdp.sales), 0) netchange

                from @purchase pd

                left outer join @purchase tdp

                on pd.itemcode = tdp.itemcode and tdp.Date <= pd.Date

                group by pd.itemcode, chg

    on  p.itemcode = chg.itemcode and p.Date =


  • Try this.  You may want to use temporary tables (#change and #lowinv) so you can add some indexes on them to speed up the process with all the items.

    declare @inventory table(ItemCode char(1), qty int)

    insert @inventory values('A', 10)

    declare @purchase table (ItemCode char(1), Date datetime, Sales int, Purchases int)

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-01-01', 5, 0)

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-02-01', 0, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-03-01', 2, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-04-01', 0, 20 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-05-01', 0, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-06-01', 6, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-07-01', 0, 35 )

    declare @change table (ItemCode char(1), Date datetime, netchange int)

    insert @change

    select pd.itemcode,, coalesce(sum(tdp.purchases - tdp.sales), 0) netchange

                from @purchase pd

                left outer join @purchase tdp

                on pd.itemcode = tdp.itemcode and tdp.Date <= pd.Date

                group by pd.itemcode,

    declare @lowinv table (ItemCode char(1), Date datetime, lowinv int)

    insert @lowinv

    select p.itemcode,, min(netchange) lowinv

    from @purchase p

    left outer join @purchase  pp

    on p.itemcode = pp.itemcode and pp.purchases > 0 and <

    inner join @change chg1

    on  p.itemcode = chg1.itemcode and p.Date >= and > coalesce(, 0)

    where p.purchases > 0

    group by p.itemcode,

    select p.Itemcode, p.Date, p.Sales, p.Purchases, i.qty + chg.netchange EndingInventory, i.qty + coalesce(inv.lowinv, chg.netchange) FreeToSell

    from @purchase p

    inner join @inventory i

    on p.itemcode = i.itemcode

    inner join @change chg

    on  p.itemcode = chg.itemcode and p.Date =

    left outer join @lowinv inv

    on  p.itemcode = inv.itemcode and = (select min( from @lowinv x where >


  • Try this due to a slight modification required when more with more dates:

    declare @inventory table(ItemCode char(1), qty int)

    insert @inventory values('A', 10)

    declare @purchase table (ItemCode char(1), Date datetime, Sales int, Purchases int)

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-01-01', 5, 0)

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-02-01', 0, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-03-01', 2, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-04-01', 0, 20 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-05-01', 0, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-06-01', 6, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-07-01', 0, 35 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-08-01', 10, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-09-01', 0, 2 )

    declare @change table (ItemCode char(1), Date datetime, netchange int)

    insert @change

    select pd.itemcode,, coalesce(sum(tdp.purchases - tdp.sales), 0) netchange

                from @purchase pd

                left outer join @purchase tdp

                on pd.itemcode = tdp.itemcode and tdp.Date <= pd.Date

                group by pd.itemcode,

    declare @lowinv table (ItemCode char(1), Date datetime, lowinv int)

    insert @lowinv

    select p.itemcode,, min(netchange) lowinv

    from @purchase p

    left outer join @purchase  pp

    on p.itemcode = pp.itemcode and pp.purchases > 0 and = (select max( from @purchase x where < and x.purchases > 0)

    inner join @change chg1

    on  p.itemcode = chg1.itemcode and p.Date >= and > coalesce(, 0)

    where p.purchases > 0

    group by p.itemcode,

    select p.Itemcode, p.Date, p.Sales, p.Purchases, i.qty + chg.netchange EndingInventory, i.qty + coalesce(inv.lowinv, chg.netchange) FreeToSell

    from @purchase p

    inner join @inventory i

    on p.itemcode = i.itemcode

    inner join @change chg

    on  p.itemcode = chg.itemcode and p.Date =

    left outer join @lowinv inv

    on  p.itemcode = inv.itemcode and = (select min( from @lowinv x where >

  • The best solution is to return raw data set and to calculate cumulative values on the client. For more details read:

  • Hi Guys...

    Thanks for the responses...

    I don't really have the choice of doing it on the client, as I need this figure to put on a table so the users can have it added to their cubes.

    Jeff... your solutions works perfect sometimes... and other times falls over... any ideas ?

    I have messed around with your queries a lot, but have not had much luck... heres an example thats way wrong.... Then Ending inventory is perfect.. but that free to sell column is way out.. and I can't see why this is different to others... other than having more dates with both purch and sales... but in theory the same logic should work... any idea's

    declare @inventory table(ItemCode char(1), qty int)

    insert @inventory values('A', 1386)

    declare @purchase table (ItemCode char(1), Date datetime, Sales int, Purchases int)

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-06-01', 228, 1320)

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-07-01', 40, 4812 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-08-01', 0, 1775 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-09-01', 20, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-10-01', 0, 2975 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-11-01', 0, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-12-01', 0, 400 )

    declare @change table (ItemCode char(1), Date datetime, netchange int)

    insert @change

    select pd.itemcode,, coalesce(sum(tdp.purchases - tdp.sales), 0) netchange

    from @purchase pd

    left outer join @purchase tdp

    on pd.itemcode = tdp.itemcode and tdp.Date 0 and = (select max( from @purchase x where


    inner join @change chg1

    on p.itemcode = chg1.itemcode and p.Date >= and > coalesce(, 0)

    where p.purchases > 0

    group by p.itemcode,

    select p.Itemcode, p.Date, p.Sales, p.Purchases, i.qty + chg.netchange EndingInventory, i.qty + coalesce(inv.lowinv, chg.netchange) FreeToSell

    from @purchase p

    inner join @inventory i

    on p.itemcode = i.itemcode

    inner join @change chg

    on p.itemcode = chg.itemcode and p.Date =

    left outer join @lowinv inv

    on p.itemcode = inv.itemcode and = (select min( from @lowinv x where >

  • The problem that I see has to do with the rows have both values for sales and purchases and I didn't consider this based on the initial data.  I'll see what I can do with your data.  What should the output be based upon your data?

  • Hi all,

    I've just come to this and, since it looked like fun, thought I'd have a stab

    I've just coded for the 1st set of data and expected results, but - like Jeff - await the expected results for the 2nd set of data so more fun can be had...


    declare @inventory table(ItemCode char(1), qty int)

    insert @inventory values('A', 10)

    declare @purchase table (ItemCode char(1), Date datetime, Sales int, Purchases int)

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-01-01', 5, 0)

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-02-01', 0, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-03-01', 2, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-04-01', 0, 20 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-05-01', 0, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-06-01', 6, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-07-01', 0, 35 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-08-01', 10, 0 )

    insert @purchase values ('A', '2006-09-01', 0, 2 )


    select ItemCode, Date, Sales, Purchases, EndingInventory,

        isnull(FreeToSell, EndingInventory) as FreeToSell

    from (

        select a.*,

            (select b.qty + sum(purchases - sales) from @purchase where Date <= a.Date) as EndingInventory,

            (select b.qty + sum(purchases - sales) from @purchase where Date <

              (select min(date) from @purchase where purchases > 0 and Date > a.Date)) as FreeToSell

        from @purchase a inner join @inventory b on a.itemcode = b.itemcode

        ) c


    ItemCode Date        Sales       Purchases   EndingInventory FreeToSell 

    -------- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------------- -----------

    A        2006-01-01  5           0           5               3

    A        2006-01-02  0           0           5               3

    A        2006-01-03  2           0           3               3

    A        2006-01-04  0           20          23              17

    A        2006-01-05  0           0           23              17

    A        2006-01-06  6           0           17              17

    A        2006-01-07  0           35          52              42

    A        2006-01-08  10          0           42              42

    A        2006-01-09  0           2           44              44


    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • And here's a very silly method (loosely based around another one of the techniques in the link Mirko provided)...


    declare @inventory table(ItemCode char(1), qty int)

    insert @inventory values('A', 10)

    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#purchase') is not null drop table #purchase

    create table #purchase (ItemCode char(1), Date datetime, Sales int, Purchases int)

    insert #purchase values ('A', '2006-01-01', 5, 0)

    insert #purchase values ('A', '2006-02-01', 0, 0 )

    insert #purchase values ('A', '2006-03-01', 2, 0 )

    insert #purchase values ('A', '2006-04-01', 0, 20 )

    insert #purchase values ('A', '2006-05-01', 0, 0 )

    insert #purchase values ('A', '2006-06-01', 6, 0 )

    insert #purchase values ('A', '2006-07-01', 0, 35 )

    insert #purchase values ('A', '2006-08-01', 10, 0 )

    insert #purchase values ('A', '2006-09-01', 0, 2 )


    --table setup (1)

    alter table #purchase add EndingInventory int, FreeToSell int

    alter table #purchase add constraint myOrder unique clustered (Date)


    --calculation (1)

    declare @i int

    set @i = 10

    update #purchase set @i = @i + Purchases - Sales, EndingInventory = @i

    --table setup (2)

    alter table #purchase drop constraint myOrder

    alter table #purchase add descDate datetime


    update #purchase set descDate = '99991231'-Date

    alter table #purchase add constraint myOrder unique clustered (descDate)

    --calculation (2)

    declare @f int, @purchases int

    update #purchase set

        FreeToSell = @f,

        @f = case when Purchases = 0 and not @purchases = 0 then EndingInventory else isnull(@f, EndingInventory) end,

        @purchases = purchases

    --tidy (1)

    alter table #purchase drop constraint myOrder

    alter table #purchase drop column descDate


    --select (1)

    select * from #purchase a order by Date

    --tidy (2)

    alter table #purchase drop column EndingInventory

    alter table #purchase drop column FreeToSell



    ItemCode Date        Sales       Purchases   EndingInventory FreeToSell 

    -------- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------------- -----------

    A        2006-01-01  5           0           5               3

    A        2006-01-02  0           0           5               3

    A        2006-01-03  2           0           3               3

    A        2006-01-04  0           20          23              17

    A        2006-01-05  0           0           23              17

    A        2006-01-06  6           0           17              17

    A        2006-01-07  0           35          52              42

    A        2006-01-08  10          0           42              42

    A        2006-01-09  0           2           44              44


    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • ItemCode Date Sales Purchases EndingInventory FreeToSell

    A 2006-06-01 00:00:00.000 228 1320 1102 1102

    A 2006-07-01 00:00:00.000 40 4812 5874 5874

    A 2006-08-01 00:00:00.000 0 1775 7649 7629

    A 2006-09-01 00:00:00.000 20 0 7629 7629

    A 2006-10-01 00:00:00.000 0 2975 10604 10604

    A 2006-11-01 00:00:00.000 0 0 10604 10604

    A 2006-12-01 00:00:00.000 0 400 11004 11004

    Your solution is almost right.. will see if I can resolve this.. as just the first couple are incorrect...

    The Free to Sell Column is calculated as :

    EndingInventory - Sum(Sales) where Date > and Date < (Min Date where Purchases are not Zero) .. for some reason my join like this does not work so well...

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