set based solution, covering amount

  • I need an idea for set based solution. The solution has to be fast because of big amount of data. From data in #tmp1 table I would like to get result set like this:

    1.1.2009 500 500 15.2.2009

    1.1.2009 500 500 20.2.2009

    1.3.2009 100 100 20.2.2009

    1.3.2009 200 200 1.4.2009

    create table #tmp1(

    DateTrans datetime not null,

    Debit money not null,

    Credit money not null



    insert into #tmp1(DateTrans, Debit, Credit)

    values('20090101', 1000, 0)

    insert into #tmp1(DateTrans, Debit, Credit)

    values('20090301', 300, 0)

    insert into #tmp1(DateTrans, Debit, Credit)

    values('20090215', 0, 500)

    insert into #tmp1(DateTrans, Debit, Credit)

    values('20090220', 0, 600)

    insert into #tmp1(DateTrans, Debit, Credit)

    values('20090401', 0, 200)

  • Need more info than this. What are the 2 middle columns? What is the logic needed to calc the dates? etc...

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  • The goal is to split and cover amount on debit side with amounts on credit side. From my example:

    1000 € ( 1.1.2009) = 500€ ( 15.2.2009 ) + 500 € ( 20.2.2009; only 500 € from 600 €)

    300 € ( 1.3. 2009 ) = 100€ ( 20.2.2009; rest 100€ from 600 € ) + 200 ( 1.4.2009 )

  • So this is a running total , yes?

    See Jeff Modens article

    Clear Sky SQL
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  • Kind of.

    But also includes split amount to cover debit side with credit side.

    I think that runningsum is part of solution.

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