Set fiscal year, have year automatically roll over

  • I would like to (1) set the fiscal year as 12/01 - 11/30 and (2) have the data automatically roll over so only data for the current fiscal year is shown. I have the basic script but I can figure out the rollover. Note the dates are yyyymm.

    /*Top 5 Billable Matters*/

    select top 5 c.num, m.num,, sum(t.hrs)

    from time t

    join matter m on t.matter_uno = m.matter_uno

    join matter_tm tm on m.matter_uno = tm.matter_uno

    join client c on m.client_uno = c.client_uno

    join personnel p on t.tk_empl_uno = p.empl_uno

    where t.period between '200912' and '201011'

    and tm.class in ('B')

    and p.employee_num = 'xxxx'

    group by c.num, m.num,

    order by sum(t.hrs) desc

  • You're already pulling your weeks from a table "time t". Why not just add a fiscalYear column to that table and group on it and/or just add where t.fiscalYear = whatever?

    └> bt

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  • DECLARE @MyDate DATETIME SET @MyDate = getDate()


    SET @StartDate = DATEADD(dd,0, DATEDIFF(dd,0, DATEADD( mm, -(((12 + DATEPART(m, @MyDate)) - 4)%12), @MyDate ) - datePart(d,DATEADD( mm, -(((12 + DATEPART(m, @MyDate)) - 4)%12),@MyDate ))+1 ) ) SET @EndDate = DATEADD(ss,-1,DATEADD(mm,12,@StartDate ))

    SELECT @StartDate,@EndDate

  • I realize that this is an older post and no one may still be listening, but I ran out of "fun" posts and thought I'd give this one a try.

    The goal the OP had in mind was to use the existing query but to make it auto-magically lookup the correct fiscal year's worth of information based on the current date. The fiscal year is based on a 12/01 through 11/30 time frame for each year.

    The following will do just that. It's a reformatted copy of the original query where I replaced the BETWEEN for t.period with my own devices. The code easily handles leap years and could be turned into a parameterized iTVF (inline Table Valued Function) or maybe even a view, if so desired. If you break them down, the forumlii are pretty easy to understand, as well.

    SELECT TOP 5 c.num, m.num,, SUM(t.hrs)

    FROM dbo.time t

    JOIN dbo.matter m ON t.matter_uno = m.matter_uno

    JOIN dbo.matter_tm tm ON m.matter_uno = tm.matter_uno

    JOIN dbo.client c ON m.client_uno = c.client_uno

    JOIN dbo.personnel p ON t.tk_empl_uno = p.empl_uno

    WHERE t.period >= CONVERT(CHAR(6),DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(mm,-1,GETDATE())/12 ,0),112)

    AND t.period < CONVERT(CHAR(6),DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(mm,-1,GETDATE())/12+1,0),112)

    AND tm.class IN ('B')

    AND p.employee_num = 'xxxx'

    GROUP BY c.num, m.num,

    ORDER BY SUM(t.hrs) DESC

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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