Setting a datetime in dynamic SQL

  • Hi, I'm having trouble the assiging a value to an output variable in a dynamic SQL query:

    DECLARE @deldate datetime


    SET @sql = 'SELECT TransactionDate FROM OPENQUERY(' + @dmsDb + ', ''SELECT TOP 1 TransactionDate

    FROM VS_' + @dmsCompanyId + '_VehicleLogFile
    WHERE StockbookNumber = ' + CAST(@stocknum AS varchar(20)) + ' AND NewAccountsStatus = ''''X''''
    ORDER BY TransactionDate'')'


    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql, N'@deldate datetime OUTPUT', @deldate OUTPUT


    PRINT @sql

    PRINT ISDATE(@deldate)

    IF @deldate IS NULL

    PRINT isNULL(cast(@deldate AS varchar(20)),'@deldate is NULL')

    If I execute the printed @sql statement, I get a result set containing a date, but my attempts to print the variable @deldate suggest that it is null. What's going on here? Btw @dmsDb, dmsCompanyId and @stocknum are declared earlier in the code (not shown here) and printing of the @sql statement shows that these are fine.

    Cheers, Mundo
  • Oops! Newbie error! Changing the SET @sql bit to the following fixed this:

    SET @sql = 'SELECT @deldate = TransactionDate FROM OPENQUERY(' + @dmsDb + ', ''SELECT TOP 1 TransactionDate

    FROM VS_'

    + @dmsCompanyId + '_VehicleLogFile

    WHERE StockbookNumber = '

    + CAST(@stocknum AS varchar(20)) + ' AND NewAccountsStatus = ''''X''''

    ORDER BY TransactionDate'')'

    Note the extra '@deldate = ' bit at the beginning. Going away from my desk for lunch seemed to give me the fresh view of this to see the error.

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