Setting data types in Analysis services

  • G'Day all

    A small but very annoying issue:

    I built a cube in Visual Studio (2005), I added a calculated Attribute "dayason" using

    day(DATEASON) expecting an interger to be returned.

    I then used an Excel Pivot to have a look at the data and my dayason was sorted as 1,10,11,12,...19,2,20,21 - so unless I am mistaken the value is seen as text.

    I tried cast(day(DATEASON) AS int) - even though this is a bit beyond belt and braces...

    The property of the attribute is System.Int32 - yet it behaves like text (varchar).

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    All help and suggestions very gratefully accepted!


    Do or do not. There is no try...

  • Hi.

    I recreated your problem in one of my cubes.

    I added a calculated attribute 'Test' as day(Calendar_Date) in my time dimension.

    I did this in the data source view by using a named query to select the data from the time table in the data warehouse.

    When I processed my time dimension, the attribute 'Test' was indeed sorted as text.

    This is because the OrderBy property of the attribute was set to Name.

    If you change this to Key, you will get the correct sorting (1,2,3,...).

    Hope this helps.

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  • Thanks very much! I will implement today and no doubt case much joy!



    Do or do not. There is no try...

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