Setting the Default Language on SQL Server 2005

  • i posted this on the general 2005 forum, but thought I would post it here too:

    Hi. I'm trying to change the default language used for my server to be from US English to British English. I'm using this:

    exec sp_addlanguage 'British', 'English',






    sp_configure 'default language', 1

    reconfigure with override

    However it errors complaining that it can't find sp_addlanguage.

    I tried to look for it and couldn't find it either, so am wondering if the name has changed in 2005?

    If I right click the server and choose properties, I can see the language being used, but can't edit it from there.

    Any insight here is welcome!

    Thanks in advance,


  • Looking 'sp_addlanguage' up in SQL 2005 Books Online I couldn't find a reference to it, however in 2000 Books Online (locally) it says that for SQL Server 2000 it was "Removed; no longer available. Remove all references to sp_addlanguage."

    Therefore I would presume it was not reintroduced in 2005.

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