Settle the bet

  • Having problem with SS2KRS.  Support Admin insists IIS is our problem because the .NET stuff doesn't show in Add/Remove Programs on WinServ2003 like it does on a WinServ2000 box. 

    I say it does not show in WinServ2003 because it's part of the OS.

    The error we are getting when trying to open http://localhost/reports...

    Timed out waiting for a program to execute. The command being executed was "c:\windows\\framework\v1.1.4322\csc.exe" /noconfig @"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files\reports\5fc3e315\219a7509\mzsemkvm.cmdline".

    I've re-installed Report Server Enterprise Ed. on this WinServ2003 and RS ServPack 1 and still get the same msg.  Stranger still, SS2KRS was working as of 12/31/04.


  • SS2KRS and WinServ2003 just won't get along.  Worked with MS $upport for last 5 work days... total waste of time.  Don't know if it's WinServ2003, SS2K, RS, IIS, GPO or .NET.  No known cause or resolution.

    We are now rebuilding server with WinServ2K

    Boss will think twice before buying MS Software Assurance Contract again!  All the MS support personnel in China can do is cut and paste from knowledge base and they're not very good at that!

  • Just out of interest, we have RS working on W2K3 with no issues.  And I would have to agree framweork on W2k3, it doesn't show in our Add/Rem either, and i lways believed that was because it's intrinsic.

    Am assuming you looked at this, but did your IIS person allow extension?  You know how in w2k3 basically everything is locked down by default in IIS?



  • For info, we also have RS working happily on W2K3. We did install it on a fairly new W2K3 build though. Maybe if you're able to start from a fresh server install you may have better luck.

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