Setup SQL Mail Agent

  • Hi

    I'm a little new to SQL Server admin and would like to set up SQL Agent Mail in conjunction with some alerts that I plan to set-up.  My problem is that SQL Agent Mail does not seem to be set-up installed.  When expanding the support services, there is no stop button or play icon over SQLmail which I guess indicates that it hasn't been installeed or set-up.  If this is the case am I right in assuming that the SQL mail is a component that can be installed from the SQL server install CD ?.   I ran the developer version set-up on my own PC and it doesn't appear.  Is it only available for Standard Edition and Enterprise edition ?




  • You need to have Outlook installed and a mapi mail profile for the doamin\useraccount which SQL Agent service is running.

    I do never install Outlook on a server. Outlook is a client application, and on the server's you should only want to have SQL Server running. Therefore I do not use the buildin mail system. SQL Server 2005 has SMTP mail options built in. SQL 2000 not

    There are some other solutions using SMTP. When you google on some keywords you should be able to find it.

  • c70070540 is correct.  SQLMail can be an issue, especially when work is done on your network or your mail server and the connection is interupted.  SQLMail relies on MAPI,  I have had great experiences with sp_SQLSMTPMail. 


  • I ran into this issue too. Found this that helped me a whole lot:





  • Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm starting to get the feeling that most people regard SQL Agent Mail as being a little flakey

  • Hi, can somebody please help me? I've read all the Microsoft articles on SQL Mail Agent and I am still a bit stumped. I've got a couple of questions:

    1. Will Outlook Express 6 suffice as a Mail Client?

    2. Does SQL Mail Agent require SQL Mail to be configured on the server? I can select the profile in the SQL Mail Agent setup and I get a confirmation that the profile works, but the profile box is disabled in SQL Mail. NB, I don’t want SQL Mail.

    3. Does SQL Mail Agent require a profile that can receive incoming mails?

    4. Why can I send e-mails with the Outlook Express on the server and receive it in another domain, but when I do a test mail for a alert, I get a success confirmation, but no email?

    Here is some info about the setup: SQL Server 2000 RTM. Windows Nt.

    Plan B:

    Well the thing is, I need to know when my replication fails. I see you can configure your publication so that it will write to the server's event log incase of failure, but as a type "info". The monitor that we use to send us emails about events in the event log filters out type "info". Is there anyway I can change the severity to type "error" or "fatal”?

    Sorry about the log wish list…

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