Several issues with 2019-03-30 site migration

  • (this was originally posted to but that fell into a bad state and doesn't show up anywhere, nor do its replies; this is a re-post of the items that were not subsequently posted individually ; most recently I reposted it as and it was fine until I edited it only 30 seconds after submitted it, but now it's in a bad state -- 3rd time's a charm, right?)


    Hi there. Here are some things that I have noticed:


    1. Missing posts: I posted a new topic in this forum a couple of days ago (don’t remember the exact day, it could have even been yesterday: Friday, 2019-03-29), and it is not showing up here. It doesn’t even show up in the list of topics that I started. It wasn't a super important topic (it was about various site issues that I had come across, which I will just mention below), but if that one is missing, then potentially others are missing, and likely more important than mine

    2. "Last Post" time in forum topics pages not always correct: I see a lot of duplicate times, including a lot showing "5 days, 10 hours ago" and some are nowhere even close to 5 days.

    3. My most recent post did not transfer correctly. I have since posted this one separately to deal solely with the encoding issue. But, a secondary indicator of something not going quite right: the newest post (“SSMS Tip #3”) only shows 10 reads (likely all from me going back to check things). I think it was at least 153 the day before the site migration. Other posts seem to have transferred “number of reads” correctly. But there are other differences between this particular post and all of the previous ones, which leads me to believe that this one was imported directly by the new system while all of the others were imported from the old site data.


    4. Forum post “preview”: this isn’t a necessity, and it didn’t always work correctly, but it was kinda handy to have.


    5. Numbered list not showing any numbers: I used the “numbered list” button and appears correctly in the editor, but no numbers appear when viewing the post.

    P.S. Thank you for getting footnotes working!!!!


    SQL# ( SQLCLR library ofover 340 Functions and Procedures)
    Sql Quantum Lift ( company )
    Sql Quantum Leap ( blog )
    Info sitesCollations     •     Module Signing     •     SQLCLR

  • also

    Site slow when going through the latest topics, both initial page and next pages.

    Layout / colour schema quite annoying. Lost one post already because of the fact that existing / new reply posts do not "look" different

    Showing latest posts now requires going to a menu option instead of being on a straight click tab - annoyance.

    In my case I do think preview is a necessity - for simple posts not required, but for longer ones with code it is needed.

  • Additionally (and sorry if I've missed it somewhere) could we have the option to hide signatures and/or avatars please? Usually it's an option in the user control panel,

  • Numbered lists appear to be displaying numbers correctly now (previously the indentation was correct but the numbers were hidden).  Thanks. I am using Chrome "Version 73.0.3683.86 (Official Build) (64-bit)" on Windows 10.


    SQL# ( SQLCLR library ofover 340 Functions and Procedures)
    Sql Quantum Lift ( company )
    Sql Quantum Leap ( blog )
    Info sitesCollations     •     Module Signing     •     SQLCLR

  • Also I think I've seen this mentioned elsewhere but I can't find it now; could we have the ability to report and kill spam back please?

  • Bugs filed ofr most of these, especially spam.

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