Several Problems SQL Server 2005 SP3 Cluster

  • Hi everybody, I have a couple servers in cluster, with two nodes active-pasive each one.

    Both have problems about Database Mail(aparently send mail, but never deliver, no error messages), googling I have found posible solutions, but anything works.

    Another problem is when I try to delete some perfil from Database mail wizard(@force_delete is not a parameter for procedure sysmail_delete_profile_sp.(Microsoft SQL Server,Error:8145).

    Third problem is when I try to create maintenance plan, when run last step, fails.

    Googling, all these problems seem because the sp2, I think there is a general problem about this SP, but la question is whats the matter If the servers are with SP3? If sp3 must be accumulative sp1+sp2+sp3.

    Thank for your help.

  • Come on, Nobody may help me? I'm waiting for your comments.


  • You have asked several questions, and I bet nobody here really understands what problems you are actually having.

    For example, I have no idea what problem you are having with database mail. Let's just work on that one issue for now and see if we can get it fixed.

    What have you done - and what are you seeing as a problem?

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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    Managing Transaction Logs

  • OK Jeffrey thanks for answering.I'm Sorry if I was not clear, this topic is a bit complicated to explain,

    besides my english is not so good.

    I don't elaborate much on the problems because my point is identify If there is a widespread problem of substance or,

    about cluster environment or SP's installations.

    I have 6 singles servers with SQL 2005 SP3, and all work very good.

    When I search help in google all solutions talks about problems with sp2, but my clusters servers are installed with sp3.

    There are many isolated solutions, and maybe works, but I want to be very sure, that is not a problem because cluster

    environment or sp's installations.

    In my opinion is the cluster, because some solutions talk about problems in clusters with named instances, seems

    sql 2005 not ready for cluster yet, is my opinion.

    I want to know if somebody in this forum has an environment similar to mine with similar problems, and if somebody has a solution.

    Thanks again Jeffrey and forum.

  • Well, I still don't understand what problems you are having. I have multiple cluster systems on SP2 and SP3 as well as SQL Server 2008 RTM and SP1.

    We are not having problems/issues with any of them. Sorry I can't help more.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • I have no issues with SP2 or 3 32/64 bit clusters.

  • OK, Jeffrey then, I'm gonig to send each one of problems, for your help and forum.


  • HI, I have configured three non-clsuter servers to use Database mail succesfully.Send Test mail ok, send mails with

    msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail, without problems.

    But when I configure Database mail in the nodes of my cluster system, and testing, Database mail never send the mails,

    I always do same steps:

    create account, configure SMTP server

    create profile

    test aparently send it but never deliver.

    If I test with msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmai, the result is : Mail queued, but never do the delivery.

    Thanks for yur help.

  • Verify the SMTP server configuration and that you can get to that server from the cluster. What version of SQL Server 2005 are you on? I think there was an issue on an earlier release but I don't recall.

    If the mail is being queued - but not getting sent, you should view the log for database mail. Right-click on Database Mail and select the option to view the log or history. This should at least tell you whether or not database mail is starting and sending your mail.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Can you actually use the SMTP server from the cluster? There may be relaying restrictions in place. You can test using telnet:

    Open a command prompt window

    Type in: telnet, hit enter

    Type in: set localecho, hit enter

    Type in: open 25, hit enter

    At this point, it should connect to your SMTP server and produce a message similar to this (will vary depending on what mail server software you use):

    220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Fri, 26 Jun 2009 13:29:20 +1200

    Type in: EHLO (or HELO)

    You should see something like: Hello []







    250-AUTH NTLM






    250 XRDST

    Type in: MAIL FROM:, hit enter. You should get a confirmation message.

    Type in: RCPT TO:, hit enter. You should get a confirmation message.

    Type in: DATA, hit enter

    Type in: Subject: test, hit enter twice.

    Type in: testing testing, hit enter

    Type in: . then hit enter

    If you're allowed to relay through that SMTP server from your SQL Server, you should receive a test message. That indicates that SMTP is working. If you can't get SMTP email working like this, it could indicate that SQL Server isn't the problem.

    Refer here for telnet SMTP commands:

    Scott Duncan

    MARCUS. Why dost thou laugh? It fits not with this hour.
    TITUS. Why, I have not another tear to shed;
    --Titus Andronicus, William Shakespeare

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