Shall i create temp tables in production

  • Hi ALL,

    Shall i create temp tables in production ?

    Is there any problem please clarity


  • The use of temp tables is a common practice even in production. There are many uses for a temp table some of which being to help with coding or various processes.

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  • RK2012 (12/21/2012)

    Shall i create temp tables in production ?

    What kind of ?

    physical user table which you are going to use to store data temporaraliy?

    or #tmp or ##tmp ?

    or table vairable ( which are again a kind od table structure storage ) ?

    The question is why you want that ?

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • For database information for all databases

    create table #dbsize

  • All users have permissions to create local temporary (i.e. temp) tables by default. There are no issues with creating a single new temp table in and of itself. However, populating that table with data means using space in tempdb. This too might not be a problem if it is a small amount of data or the server is not otherwise busy. Just be aware that anything you do on the server will use a resource therefore your process will compete with other processes needing resources. Just be careful. If you have doubts the best advice is to run your code in a test environment that is representative of your production environment so you can be sure what you are doing will not adversely affect production processes.

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  • RK2012 (12/21/2012)

    Hi ALL,

    Shall i create temp tables in production ?

    Is there any problem please clarity


    Like anything else, the answer is "It Depends". This isn't a simple question. The use of Temp Tables to hold interim results on complicated queries can save the day. The use of huge Temp Tables (or Table Variables) on "C.R.U.D." on a busy system can bring a system to its knees by reducing Page Life Expectancy to near zero but not always. Like I said, "It Depends".

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