Sharing tables between Instances

  • There is a SQL Server Instance-1....With a Database-1....haveing 6 tables

    Among which 3 of the tables have to be shared by

    Another SQL Server Instance-2.....with a Database-2

    Can anyone help me how to do the sharing of the 3 tables between 2 SQL Server instance or servers

  • Try replication


  • rohaandba (2/4/2011)

    There is a SQL Server Instance-1....With a Database-1....haveing 6 tables

    Among which 3 of the tables have to be shared by

    Another SQL Server Instance-2.....with a Database-2

    Can anyone help me how to do the sharing of the 3 tables between 2 SQL Server instance or servers

    Depends on what you mean by "sharing." Your basic options are to have copies of the tables in each database or to have the second database able to access the actual tables in the first database.

    The former will need you to define how they should be synced (A -> B, A <- B, A <-> B) then pick a strategy to implement that. The latter needs the servers to be linked, and you'll need to have a handle on performance, security, and setup.

    Twitter: @Control_Group

  • Actually I mean to have a copy of the 3 tables in each database of different instances.

    And the content in the tables may or maynot get updated frequently.

    In such case what can be my ways of approach?

    Thank You

  • Like I said before, replication would be a good choice.

    Going by your description of requirement, you could consider Snapshot replication.


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