Should I run CHECKDB on SSISDB database

  • Hi

    I use Ola Hallegren's scripts of backups, and database integrity checking. I have 2 questions.

    1. Should SSISDB have Checkdb run against it

    2. Ola has scripts set up for System databases and another setup for user databases. Does SSISDB fit into either of these categories?



  • Kathy

    I would categorise it as a user database (although I don't think it's all that important which pigeon-hole you choose to put it in). It can't do any harm to include it in your suite of DBCC checks.


  • Thanks John

  • Quick thought, unless you can afford to lose it, do the check!


  • Absolutely

    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” -- John Quincy Adams

  • I think the difference between system databases and user databases is that SQL Server will fail to come online if the system databases are corrupt or inaccessible (or in the case of TempDB if the configured file path is inaccessible).

    One of things I like to do down a downtime is make sure I have recent copies of the master, msdb and model mdf & ldf files in a folder on the C:\ drive. This can save a lot time in case these files become corrupt or the drives they are on are lost. Yes, you probably have bak backups of these databases but you can't run a restore command to restore from a bak unless the instance itself can start.

    As for whether to call a SSISDB maintenance job a system or user maintenance job, do whatever makes sense to you.

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