Show a Start and End Sequence for a Given anchor value

  • Hello,

    I'm having quite sticky problem at the moment and hoping someone can help to educate me!

    For the purposes of the example I have a table of data that shows what subjects a student is enrolled in.

    The subjects are a series of numbers (This is a varchar in the udnerlying table - please don't bring that up :)).

    We have an application which has been built which consumes data from a SQL VIEW and treats the data differently if the student belongs in a sequential range of subjects (1,2,3..n+1).

    Please note, this must be a SELECT statement from a view. We can't create tables, execute stored procedures or any dynamic SQL.

    I am tearing my hair out tring to get the data out properly within one select statement.

    I can create user defined functions. I can use a numbers/tally table.

    Basically the table is [student], [subject#]:

    -- create dummy table

    CREATE TABLE #SeqStudentSubj(

    Students varchar(25),

    Subjects varchar(10)


    -- insert some data

    INSERT #SeqStudentSubj (Students, subjects) VALUES ('Johnathan', '233')

    INSERT #SeqStudentSubj (Students, subjects) VALUES ('Johnathan', '234')

    INSERT #SeqStudentSubj (Students, subjects) VALUES ('Johnathan', '235')

    INSERT #SeqStudentSubj (Students, subjects) VALUES ('Johnathan', '467')

    INSERT #SeqStudentSubj (Students, subjects) VALUES ('Johnathan', '469')

    INSERT #SeqStudentSubj (Students, subjects) VALUES ('Johnathan', '470')

    INSERT #SeqStudentSubj (Students, subjects) VALUES ('Johnathan', '322')

    The data needs to be pivoted and grouped into any sequences. The above inserts should be presented as:

    Name, IsASequence, SeqStart, SeqEnd

    Johnathan, 'Y', 233, 235

    Johnathan, 'N', 467, 467

    Johnathan, 'Y', 469, 470

    Johnathan, 'N', 322, 322

    As this is SQL 2000 I have no CTE, I have no OVER (Order BY ..), or partion on...

    So far from my peers I've been told: "Good Luck! Upgrade!"

    Thanks in advance helpful, fantastic people!

  • Very inefficient but gives correct results

    SELECT Students AS Name,

    CASE WHEN COUNT(*) > 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS IsASequence,

    MIN(CAST(Subjects AS INT)) AS SeqStart,

    MAX(CAST(Subjects AS INT)) AS SeqEnd

    FROM (

    SELECT t1.Students,


    CAST(t1.Subjects AS INT) - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #SeqStudentSubj t2

    WHERE t2.Students=t1.Students AND CAST(t2.Subjects AS INT) <= CAST(t1.Subjects AS INT)) AS rn

    FROM #SeqStudentSubj t1) x

    GROUP BY Students,rn


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Thanks Mark! That was super quick on the uptake ++

    Works perfectly too, based on my example. Much appreciated 🙂

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