show hierarchy record

  • hello

    i have one table demo..

    USE [chk]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Demo] Script Date: 12/05/2011 12:16:06 ******/







    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Demo](

    [AC_ID] [bigint] ,

    [RootId] [bigint] NULL,

    [parentID] [bigint] NULL,

    [Type] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [Name] [varchar](50) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    Demo Data For This Table

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(1,1,0,'G','Group1')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(2,2,0,'G','Group2')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(3,3,0,'G','Group3')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(4,4,0,'G','Group4')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(5,1,1,'S','SubGroup11')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(6,1,1,'S','SubGroup12')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(7,1,5,'S','SubSubGroup11')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(8,1,5,'S','SubSubGroup12')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(9,2,2,'S','SubGroup21')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(10,2,9,'S','SUBSubGroup21')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(11,2,9,'S','SubSubGroup22')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(12,3,3,'S','SubGroup31')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(13,4,4,'S','SubGroup41')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(14,3,12,'S','SubSubGroup31')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(15,4,13,'S','SubSubGroup41')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(16,3,14,'S','SubSubGroup32')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(17,1,5,'A','AC11')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(18,1,5,'A','AC12')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(19,1,7,'A','AC13')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(20,1,8,'A','AC14')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(21,2,9,'A','AC21')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(22,2,9,'A','AC22')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(23,2,11,'A','AC23')

    INSERT INTO [demo] VALUES(24,2,11,'A','AC24')

    I want to show this data in hierarchy form

    1 group

    Than Sub Group

    and so on....

    My Try code is...

    alter PROC [dbo].[ShowHierarchy]

    @Root int


    DECLARE @ACID int, @ACName varchar(500),@ACType varchar(50),@ACType1 varchar(50)

    SET @ACName = (SELECT [Name] FROM dbo.Demo WHERE AC_ID= @Root)

    SET @ACType = (SELECT [Type] FROM dbo.Demo WHERE AC_ID= @Root)

    SET @ACType1 = (SELECT [Type] FROM dbo.Demo WHERE AC_ID= @Root)

    print REPLICATE('-', @@NESTLEVEL * 4) + @ACName+'--' --+ @root

    SET @ACID = (SELECT MIN(AC_ID) FROM Demo WHERE parentID= @Root)



    EXEC dbo.ShowHierarchy @ACID



    When i will Run


    --exec ShowHierarchy 1

    Then it Will show result in this formate










    but i want after --------SubGroup11--

    it show



    because both account under


    then show other subsub group and account...

    How can i do this.. Please Help..



  • You have two pieces of code similar to this one:

    SELECT MIN(AC_ID) FROM Demo WHERE parentID= @Root

    Replace this with

    select top 1 AC_ID FROM Demo where parentId=@Root order by [Type],[Name], and perform a similar modification to the second place you retrieve AC_ID, and I think you have what you want.

    Ole Kristian Velstadbråten Bangås - Virinco - Facebook - Twitter

    Concatenating Row Values in Transact-SQL[/url]

  • In That Case This Will Not Give Full Result

    Its Only Give






  • Please Help me On this Problem....

  • Having looked somewhat more closely on your case, it appears that your issue is a design flaw, where you expect the AC_ID of an "entry" always to be less than the subgroups at the same level.

    Ole Kristian Velstadbråten Bangås - Virinco - Facebook - Twitter

    Concatenating Row Values in Transact-SQL[/url]

  • Yes..

    Actually I am Getting All my result....

    But is not showing in format which i want...

    i want first show group

    then subgroup

    then subgroup account if there is any

    Then other sub sub group and their account


    I tried so many thing But not getting...

  • If data presentation is your issue, then SQL Server is not the right place to look for the answers. It should be managed at Presentation Layer (application).

  • But in front end i can't rearrange this data....

    for this i again need recursion..

  • But in front end i can't rearrange this data....

    for this i again need recursion..

    so this is more time consuming....

  • dilip.aim11 (12/5/2011)

    But in front end i can't rearrange this data....

    for this i again need recursion..

    You can't (some limitations) / you don't know. In second case, I would recommend you to learn it.

    Please try to understand Data Presentation / Formatting should be done on Presentation Layer ONLY. They are well designed for it.

    Loops / Recursions in SQL (or any RDBMS) are not very efficient. You can do it but it doesn’t mean you should do it.

  • This I Was Try To Do...

    Thanks To every One.. For give useful suggestion...

    ALTER procedure [dbo].[ShowHierarchy]

    @Root int


    DECLARE @ACID int, @ACName varchar(500),@ACType varchar(50),@ACType1 varchar(50)

    Select @ACName = Name, @ACType =[Type]

    from dbo.Demo where AC_ID = @Root

    print REPLICATE('-', @@NESTLEVEL * 4) + @ACName+'--'; --+ @root

    SET @ACID = (SELECT Top 1 AC_ID FROM Demo WHERE parentID = @Root Order by Name)

    Select @ACName = Name, @ACType =[Type] From dbo.Demo where AC_ID = @ACID



    EXEC dbo.ShowHierarchy @ACID

    SET @ACID = (SELECT Top 1 AC_ID FROM Demo WHERE parentID = @Root AND Name > @ACName Order by Name)

    Select @ACName = Name, @ACType =[Type] From dbo.Demo where AC_ID = @ACID


  • You can obtain the same result by using a CTE, which is prefect for retrieving results that contain a hierarchy, like so (I used a table variable for demo purposes):

    set nocount on;

    declare @demo TABLE (

    [AC_ID] [bigint] ,

    [RootId] [bigint] NULL,

    [parentID] [bigint] NULL,

    [Type] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [Name] [varchar](50) NULL


    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(1,1,0,'G','Group1')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(2,2,0,'G','Group2')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(3,3,0,'G','Group3')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(4,4,0,'G','Group4')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(5,1,1,'S','SubGroup11')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(6,1,1,'S','SubGroup12')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(7,1,5,'S','SubSubGroup11')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(8,1,5,'S','SubSubGroup12')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(9,2,2,'S','SubGroup21')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(10,2,9,'S','SUBSubGroup21')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(11,2,9,'S','SubSubGroup22')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(12,3,3,'S','SubGroup31')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(13,4,4,'S','SubGroup41')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(14,3,12,'S','SubSubGroup31')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(15,4,13,'S','SubSubGroup41')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(16,3,14,'S','SubSubGroup32')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(17,1,5,'A','AC11')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(18,1,5,'A','AC12')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(19,1,7,'A','AC13')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(20,1,8,'A','AC14')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(21,2,9,'A','AC21')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(22,2,9,'A','AC22')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(23,2,11,'A','AC23')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(24,2,11,'A','AC24');

    with cteDemo as


    select [d].[AC_ID]

    , [d].[RootId]

    , [d].[parentID]

    , [d].[Type]

    , [d].[Name]

    , convert(varchar(100), row_number() over (order by [d].[Name])) as [sort_column]

    , 4 as [level]

    from @demo as d

    where [d].[parentID] = 0

    union all

    select [cd].[AC_ID]

    , [cd].[RootId]

    , [cd].[parentID]

    , [cd].[Type]

    , [cd].[Name]

    , convert(varchar(100), [pd].[sort_column] + convert(varchar(100), row_number() over (order by [cd].[Type], [cd].[Name])))

    , 4 + [pd].[level]

    from @demo as cd

    inner join [cteDemo] as pd on [cd].[parentID] = [pd].[AC_ID]


    select [cteDemo].[AC_ID]

    , [cteDemo].[RootId]

    , [cteDemo].[parentID]

    , [cteDemo].[Type]

    , [cteDemo].[Name]

    , [cteDemo].[sort_column]

    , [cteDemo].[level]

    , replicate('-', [cteDemo].[level]) + [cteDemo].[Name] + '--' as [graph]

    from [cteDemo]

    where [cteDemo].[RootId] = 1

    order by [cteDemo].[sort_column] ;

    In which case you could only return the results in the correct order and provide "make-up" on the client-side.

    Do not go past the mark you aimed for, but learn when to stop.

    You can find me on LinkedIn.
    I support The Programmer's Bill of Rights.


  • Hi..

    When I am Using Ur Same Query .. Or My Query in this Set of Data My Result Not Meet My Requirement

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(5,5,0,'G','Expenditure')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(14,5,5,'S','Goods for resale')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(15,5,5,'S','Overheads')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(16,5,15,'S','Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(51,5,14,'A','Goods')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(52,5,14,'A','Delivery Charges')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(53,5,15,'A','Wages')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(54,5,15,'A','Rent')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(55,5,15,'A','Rates')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(56,5,15,'A','Insurance')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(57,5,15,'A','Heat & Light')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(58,5,15,'A','Telephone')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(59,5,15,'A','Stationery')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(60,5,15,'A','Advertising')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(61,5,15,'A','Travel and Subsistence')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(62,5,15,'A','Motor Expenses')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(63,5,15,'A','Leases')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(64,5,15,'A','Licenses')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(65,5,15,'A','Repairs & Renewals')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(66,5,15,'A','Staff Welfare & Cleaning')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(67,5,15,'A','Sundry Expenses')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(68,5,15,'A','Accountancy')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(69,5,15,'A','Legal & Professional')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(70,5,15,'A','Entertainment')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(71,5,15,'A','Wages')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(72,5,16,'A','Intangible Assets Amortisation')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(73,5,16,'A','Motor Vehicles Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(74,5,16,'A','Buildings Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(75,5,16,'A','Fixtures and Fittings Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(76,5,16,'A','Office Equipment Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(77,5,16,'A','Computer Software Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(78,5,16,'A','Bank Charges & Interest')

    INSERT INTO [dnm] VALUES(79,5,16,'A','Intangible Assets Amortisation')

    it showing some level 12 record at last...

    Why i not understand...

  • I'm not 100% sure that this is what you mean, but I changed the way the sorting is handled by the query. Instead of using the row_number() function, I have concatenated the names of each record. For giving a proper order to the subgroup and the account types, I have used a case statement. Eventually this is the result, I have included both sets of testdata so that you can quickly check the results:

    set nocount on;

    declare @demo TABLE (

    [AC_ID] [bigint] ,

    [RootId] [bigint] NULL,

    [parentID] [bigint] NULL,

    [Type] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [Name] [varchar](50) NULL


    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(5,5,0,'G','Expenditure')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(14,5,5,'S','Goods for resale')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(15,5,5,'S','Overheads')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(16,5,15,'S','Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(51,5,14,'A','Goods')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(52,5,14,'A','Delivery Charges')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(53,5,15,'A','Wages')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(54,5,15,'A','Rent')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(55,5,15,'A','Rates')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(56,5,15,'A','Insurance')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(57,5,15,'A','Heat & Light')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(58,5,15,'A','Telephone')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(59,5,15,'A','Stationery')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(60,5,15,'A','Advertising')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(61,5,15,'A','Travel and Subsistence')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(62,5,15,'A','Motor Expenses')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(63,5,15,'A','Leases')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(64,5,15,'A','Licenses')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(65,5,15,'A','Repairs & Renewals')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(66,5,15,'A','Staff Welfare & Cleaning')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(67,5,15,'A','Sundry Expenses')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(68,5,15,'A','Accountancy')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(69,5,15,'A','Legal & Professional')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(70,5,15,'A','Entertainment')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(71,5,15,'A','Wages')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(72,5,16,'A','Intangible Assets Amortisation')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(73,5,16,'A','Motor Vehicles Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(74,5,16,'A','Buildings Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(75,5,16,'A','Fixtures and Fittings Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(76,5,16,'A','Office Equipment Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(77,5,16,'A','Computer Software Depreciation')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(78,5,16,'A','Bank Charges & Interest')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(79,5,16,'A','Intangible Assets Amortisation')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(1,1,0,'G','Group1')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(2,2,0,'G','Group2')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(3,3,0,'G','Group3')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(4,4,0,'G','Group4')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(5,1,1,'S','SubGroup11')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(6,1,1,'S','SubGroup12')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(7,1,5,'S','SubSubGroup11')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(8,1,5,'S','SubSubGroup12')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(9,2,2,'S','SubGroup21')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(10,2,9,'S','SUBSubGroup21')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(11,2,9,'S','SubSubGroup22')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(12,3,3,'S','SubGroup31')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(13,4,4,'S','SubGroup41')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(14,3,12,'S','SubSubGroup31')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(15,4,13,'S','SubSubGroup41')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(16,3,14,'S','SubSubGroup32')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(17,1,5,'A','AC11')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(18,1,5,'A','AC12')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(19,1,7,'A','AC13')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(20,1,8,'A','AC14')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(21,2,9,'A','AC21')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(22,2,9,'A','AC22')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(23,2,11,'A','AC23')

    INSERT INTO @demo VALUES(24,2,11,'A','AC24')


    with cteDemo as


    select [d].[AC_ID]

    , [d].[RootId]

    , [d].[parentID]

    , [d].[Type]

    , [d].[Name]

    , convert(varchar(500), [d].[Type] + '-' + [d].[Name]) as [sort_column]

    , 4 as [level]

    from @demo as d

    where [d].[parentID] = 0

    union all

    select [cd].[AC_ID]

    , [cd].[RootId]

    , [cd].[parentID]

    , [cd].[Type]

    , [cd].[Name]

    , convert(varchar(500), [pd].[sort_column] + '-' + case [cd].[Type] when 'S' then '2S' when 'A' then '1A' end + '-' + [cd].[Name])

    , 4 + [pd].[level]

    from @demo as cd

    inner join [cteDemo] as pd on [cd].[parentID] = [pd].[AC_ID]


    select [cteDemo].[AC_ID]

    , [cteDemo].[RootId]

    , [cteDemo].[parentID]

    , [cteDemo].[Type]

    , [cteDemo].[Name]

    , [cteDemo].[sort_column]

    , [cteDemo].[level]

    , replicate('-', [cteDemo].[level]) + [cteDemo].[Name] + '--' as [graph]

    from [cteDemo]

    where [cteDemo].[RootId] = 5

    order by [cteDemo].[sort_column] ;

    Now instead of this tree


    --------Goods for resale--

    ------------Delivery Charges--






    ------------Repairs & Renewals--

    ------------Staff Welfare & Cleaning--


    ------------Sundry Expenses--


    ------------Travel and Subsistence--





    ----------------Bank Charges & Interest--

    ----------------Buildings Depreciation--

    ----------------Computer Software Depreciation--

    ----------------Fixtures and Fittings Depreciation--

    ----------------Intangible Assets Amortisation--

    ----------------Intangible Assets Amortisation--

    ----------------Motor Vehicles Depreciation--

    ----------------Office Equipment Depreciation--


    ------------Heat & Light--



    ------------Legal & Professional--


    ------------Motor Expenses--

    you get this one:


    --------Goods for resale--

    ------------Delivery Charges--






    ------------Heat & Light--



    ------------Legal & Professional--


    ------------Motor Expenses--



    ------------Repairs & Renewals--

    ------------Staff Welfare & Cleaning--


    ------------Sundry Expenses--


    ------------Travel and Subsistence--




    ----------------Bank Charges & Interest--

    ----------------Buildings Depreciation--

    ----------------Computer Software Depreciation--

    ----------------Fixtures and Fittings Depreciation--

    ----------------Intangible Assets Amortisation--

    ----------------Intangible Assets Amortisation--

    ----------------Motor Vehicles Depreciation--

    ----------------Office Equipment Depreciation--

    Is that a solution to your problem?

    Do not go past the mark you aimed for, but learn when to stop.

    You can find me on LinkedIn.
    I support The Programmer's Bill of Rights.


Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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