Show records where no relationship is available

  • Stupid novice question.

    I have 2 related tables a budget table and a customer hierarchy table.

    Both tables are setup via a manual CSV load.

    What has happened is there are budget figures for customers that do not exist and I need to find them.

    I've been trying to use left join but this returns all budget records regardless of customer existence or not.

    What I want is a list of budget records where the customer does not exist.

    I'm new to SQL, working in Progress 4GL so am quite frustrated that I could do this in seconds in Progress.


  • This simplest methods of this are

    1) Use "not exists"

    Select Id from table1 where not exists(Select childid from table2 where Table2.ParentId = Table1.ID)


    2) Left outer join

    Select Table1.Id from Table1 left outer join Table2

    on Table1.Id = Table2.ParentId

    Where Table2.ChildId is null

    Clear Sky SQL
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  • try a LEFT JOIN from your budget table, and add a where clause for customer is null


    Select *

    from budget left join customer on budget.customerid = customer.customerid

    where customer.customerid is null

  • WOW - That was quick.

    I'll try those out and let you know.

    Thanks guys.

  • Excellent!!!!!

    I used the not exists version. As usual there's not just one field that links the two tables so here is my final version.

    This sums the figure to cross reference with the DW but the columns can also be shown if required.

    select SUM(BudgetAmount)

    from FactBudget

    where FactBudget.Entity = 'rhp'

    and FactBudget.BudgetName = 'forecast'

    and YEAR(FactBudget.BudgetDate) = '2011'

    and not exists (select *

    from DimGenericHierarchy

    where DimGenericHierarchy.HierarchyKey1 = FactBudget.Entity

    and DimGenericHierarchy.HierarchyName = 'Customer'

    and DimGenericHierarchy.HierarchyLevel5 = FactBudget.CustomerSubCategory)

    A little bit more knowledge & experience for me. Thanks again.

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