Shrink Log

  • I have a log which grew to a predicted point, now I have to shrink it. I applie the script posted here and written by Andrew Zanevsky.

    I am getting an error when try to run it. Maybe I am doing something wrong here (that's for sure) and need help. Please!!

    The script is as follows:

    use master


    if object_id( 'sp_force_shrink_log' ) is not null drop proc sp_force_shrink_log


    use master

    create proc sp_force_shrink_log




    Name: sp_force_shrink_log

    Description: Shrink transaction log of the current database in SQL Server

    Switch context to proper db to execute.

    Usage: exec sp_force_shrink_log <target_percent>, <target MB>, <iterations>, <backup options>

    Sample: exec pubs..sp_force_shrink_log

    Author: Andrew Zanevsky, AZ Databases, Inc., 12/25/1999, v5 - 08/18/2000

    Input Params:


    @target_percent tinyint. default = 0. Target percentage of remaining shrinkable

    space. Defaults to max possible.

    @target_size_MB int. default = 25000. Target size of final log in MB.

    @max_iterations int. default = 1000. Number of loops (max) to run proc through.

    @backup_log_opt nvarchar(1000). default = 'with truncate_only'. Backup options.

    Output Params:







    @err Holds error value





    @target_percent tinyint = 0,

    @target_size_MB int = 25000,

    @max_iterations int = 1000,

    @backup_log_opt nvarchar(1000) = 'with truncate_only'


    set nocount on

    declare @db sysname,

    @last_row int,

    @log_size decimal(15,2),

    @unused1 decimal(15,2),

    @unused decimal(15,2),

    @shrinkable decimal(15,2),

    @iteration int,

    @file_max int,

    @file int,

    @fileid varchar(5)

    select @db = db_name(),

    @iteration = 0

    create table #loginfo (

    id int identity,

    FileId int,

    FileSize numeric(22,0),

    StartOffset numeric(22,0),

    FSeqNo int,

    Status int,

    Parity smallint,

    CreateTime datetime


    create unique clustered index loginfo_FSeqNo on #loginfo ( FSeqNo, StartOffset )

    create table #logfiles ( id int identity(1,1), fileid varchar(5) not null )

    insert #logfiles ( fileid ) select convert( varchar, fileid ) from sysfiles where status & 0x40 = 0x40

    select @file_max = @@rowcount

    if object_id( 'table_to_force_shrink_log' ) is null

    exec( 'create table table_to_force_shrink_log ( x nchar(3000) not null )' )

    insert #loginfo ( FileId, FileSize, StartOffset, FSeqNo, Status, Parity, CreateTime ) exec ( 'dbcc loginfo' )

    select @last_row = @@rowcount

    select @log_size = sum( FileSize ) / 1048576.00,

    @unused = sum( case when Status = 0 then FileSize else 0 end ) / 1048576.00,

    @shrinkable = sum( case when id < @last_row - 1 and Status = 0 then FileSize else 0 end ) / 1048576.00

    from #loginfo

    select @unused1 = @unused -- save for later

    select 'iteration' = @iteration,

    'log size, MB' = @log_size,

    'unused log, MB' = @unused,

    'shrinkable log, MB' = @shrinkable,

    'shrinkable %' = convert( decimal(6,2), @shrinkable * 100 / @log_size )

    while @shrinkable * 100 / @log_size > @target_percent

    and @shrinkable > @target_size_MB

    and @iteration < @max_iterations begin

    select @iteration = @iteration + 1 -- this is just a precaution

    exec( 'insert table_to_force_shrink_log select name from sysobjects

    delete table_to_force_shrink_log')

    select @file = 0

    while @file < @file_max begin

    select @file = @file + 1

    select @fileid = fileid from #logfiles where id = @file

    exec( 'dbcc shrinkfile( ' + @fileid + ' )' )


    exec( 'backup log [' + @db + '] ' + @backup_log_opt )

    truncate table #loginfo

    insert #loginfo ( FileId, FileSize, StartOffset, FSeqNo, Status, Parity, CreateTime ) exec ( 'dbcc loginfo' )

    select @last_row = @@rowcount

    select @log_size = sum( FileSize ) / 1048576.00,

    @unused = sum( case when Status = 0 then FileSize else 0 end ) / 1048576.00,

    @shrinkable = sum( case when id < @last_row - 1 and Status = 0 then FileSize else 0 end ) / 1048576.00

    from #loginfo

    select 'iteration' = @iteration,

    'log size, MB' = @log_size,

    'unused log, MB' = @unused,

    'shrinkable log, MB' = @shrinkable,

    'shrinkable %' = convert( decimal(6,2), @shrinkable * 100 / @log_size )


    if @unused1 < @unused

    select 'After ' + convert( varchar, @iteration ) +

    ' iterations the unused portion of the log has grown from ' +

    convert( varchar, @unused1 ) + ' MB to ' +

    convert( varchar, @unused ) + ' MB.'

    union all

    select 'Since the remaining unused portion is larger than 10 MB,' where @unused > 10

    union all

    select 'you may try running this procedure again with a higher number of iterations.' where @unused > 10

    union all

    select 'Sometimes the log would not shrink to a size smaller than several Megabytes.' where @unused <= 10


    select 'It took ' + convert( varchar, @iteration ) +

    ' iterations to shrink the unused portion of the log from ' +

    convert( varchar, @unused1 ) + ' MB to ' +

    convert( varchar, @unused ) + ' MB'

    exec( 'drop table table_to_force_shrink_log' )


    if object_id( 'sp_force_shrink_log') Is Null

    select 'sp_force_shrink_log Not Created'


    select 'sp_force_shrink_log Created'



    Where I am failing? The results I am getting reads:

    Server: Msg 111, Level 15, State 1, Line 2

    'CREATE PROCEDURE' must be the first statement in a query batch.

    Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 2

    Must declare the variable '@target_percent'.

    Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 59

    Must declare the variable '@target_percent'.

    Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 74

    Must declare the variable '@backup_log_opt'.

    (1 row(s) affected)

    Any help will be much appreciated.

  • need a go after use master.

    Steve Jones

  • Thanks Steve I did it and still getting errors

    Errors reads:

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_force_shrink_log, Line 1

    Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'sp_force_shrink_log'.

    Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 37

    Must declare the variable '@target_percent'.

    Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 94

    Must declare the variable '@target_percent'.

    Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 109

    Must declare the variable '@backup_log_opt'.

    (1 row(s) affected)

    I do understand that the main error is the syntax error, the others are related to the first one. If I can't create the store proc of course my declarations are going to give me errors too.

    Thank you for your help

  • You will get this error because you have a go after create proc sp_force_shrink_log and not after use master. The code snippet should look like:

    use master


    create proc sp_force_shrink_log

    -- Comments

    @target_percent tinyint = 0,

    @target_size_MB int = 25000,

    @max_iterations int = 1000,


  • Theses errors are all related to the incorrect placement of the go as stated in the previous messages, so all should clear up as soon as you make the change noted.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Thank you guys. As always great help. I figured out thta I had USE MASTER also in the wrong place and that was giving me another error. I corrected both the GO and the USE MASTER and everything is working as it should Thank you.

  • Help again with this shirnk store proc. Please!!

    I fixed the syntax and the store proc was created fine. I did not have the change to run it until today. When I execute the store proc I got the following message

    "Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime."

    I changed the datetime, use cast and convert and still getting this error message. Any ideas? Thank you

  • Error is due to Design change in SQL2000 ie 7th Column is now LSN not DateTime(SQL7)

    see line... exec ( 'dbcc loginfo' ) select @last_row = @@rowcount in code

    Try in SQL7 and then note difference with SQL2000

    Edited by - michaelr777 on 05/27/2002 11:46:23 PM

  • To get this to work in SQL2000, make the following alteration in the SP:

    create table #loginfo (

    id int identity,

    FileId int,

    FileSize numeric(22,0),

    StartOffset numeric(22,0),

    FSeqNo int,

    Status int,

    Parity smallint,

    CreateTime varchar(25)

    Notice that varchar(25) is used not datetime.




    Help again with this shirnk store proc. Please!!

    I fixed the syntax and the store proc was created fine. I did not have the change to run it until today. When I execute the store proc I got the following message

    "Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime."

    I changed the datetime, use cast and convert and still getting this error message. Any ideas? Thank you

  • Note: it is best not to use in SQL 2000. Truncate log and shrink work just fine and the issue no longer exists as 7 suffered.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • I agree with the last statement. I did modified the script a couple of weeks back and it did not run as expected. I am using shrink log and truncate log. It does not show right away though, but it works fine. I still testing some other ways just to play safe.

  • Well I did have the problem happen on SQL Server 2000 SP1.

    Used M$'s approach to fix it.;en-us;Q256650

    Tim Schwallie

    Tim Schwallie

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