Shrinking database

  • One of my database is showing size as 180GB . But when I run the sp_spaceused stored procedure it is showing 3.5GB as used space and 176.5GB as unused space.

    When I do DBCC SHRINKFILE on one of the datafiles from 35GB to 30GB ,its not even reducing the file size a bit.

    What do I need to do?

  • Are you shrinking the correct file?  It is possible that the file you are attempting to shrink is 'unshrinkable'.  If the particular file is already at 35GB you won't be able to shrink it.

    It sounds like there may be multiple filegroups and associated files.

    Try this in the db in question:


    fileid,size,maxsize,growth,status,name,filename FROM dbo.sysfiles



  • What recovery model is the database in?

  • Database is in simple recovery mode.

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