Simple PATINDEX and Escape codes

  • HI

    Trying to search for a particular set of characters within a string.

    The problems is, some of the characters I'm looking for appear to be escape codes in SQL Server.

    Essentially I want to look for ANYTHING that may be a delimeter.

    Something like -,|`~ etcetera...

    So, this:

    SELECT PATINDEX('%[`~!@#$&*()+={}|\:;%"<>,.]%', 'A.A')

    Returns 2 which is correct.

    I've found the position of the period(.) character.

    However, if I start adding any of the following characters - the results start varying since they are escape codes.


    How can I also add the listed characters (%^-_[]') to my list or characters to search for ?

    Thanks in advance - B

  • Double them up. ie. the percent sign '%' is a wildcard to sql. To look for a percent sign specifically you would place it in the literal twice - patindex('%%')


  • Thanks Steve.

    In the meantime I'm simply doing the negative - or looking for character NOT in the list I'm looking for.


    This: SELECT PATINDEX('%[^a-z0-9]%', 'AbC12|3ABC')

    Returns 6 which is correct for me.

    I'm only looking for alphas and numbers as being valid.

    All others are considered delimeters.

    Thanks again - B

  • Watch those ranges....

    create table #search(somechar char(1))


    declare @i int

    set @i = 1

    while @i < = 256


    insert #search

    select char(@i)

    where char(@i) not like '[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789]'

    set @i = @i + 1



    SELECT *

    from #search

    where PATINDEX('%[^a-z0-9]%', somechar) = 0


    Adam Machanic

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