Simple Select statement help

  • I can't figure out how to make this simple select statement work:

    select * from My_Table where show_name =  'My hunter's journal'

    Obvioulsy I don't know how to deal with the apostrophe in the show name.. 

    and I also can't figure how to to use the %LIKE clause..  maybe that would help also???

  • select * from My_Table where show_name =  'My hunter''s journal'




  • so you replace the apostrophe in  Hunter's with double quotes?

    I tried it and it returned zero rows ???

  • Should work... Try this:

    SELECT show_name FROM My_Table WHERE show_name LIKE 'My hunter%'

    This will verify whether you have the correct data in your table.


  • >>so you replace the apostrophe in  Hunter's with double quotes?

    No, you replace the embedded single quote with two single quotes, not 1 double quote.


  • Thank you so much.. both worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kind of on the same note...  Now that I have been able to list all of my records using

    select * from My_Table where show_name =  'My hunter''s journal'

    How can I use T-SQL to change the actual show name (s)  from

    My Hunter's journal   to         My Hunter's notebook


  • You can use replace function...

    select replace(show_name, 'journal','Notebook') as show_name from My_Table where show_name =  'My hunter''s journal'


    select replace('abcedfg', 'ab','xx')

    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • It's time you used BOL a bit more - there is absolutely heaps of info there. Your last two queries are well handled by Books OnLine.

    It is possible that BOL is not installed if a custom installation was done that excludes BOL - but I'd never reccommend doing that.

    You'll find info on "wildcards", "functions" (string functions etc) and a lot more.

    I usually do a 'search' and click the top of the column 'title' to alphabetically order the results. BOL offers searching in a few ways - experiment.

    Still, don't be afraid to post questions - the asking may help someone else too and prompt (hopefully?) useful responses.



    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • Thanks All.   I'm certain I would have found the sytax for the REPLACE in BOL - admittedly I didn't look - but I did try and figure out the wildcard stuff in the select statement from BOL and just was not able to get the syntax right!!!!!!

    Thanks again everyone.

  • Can  post when i have an issue with notepad?


    (sorry - worked late, feeling rude today)

  • You can use SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON.  This will allow you to use double quotes as string delimiters so that you could write :

    select * from My_Table where show_name =  "My hunter's journal".

    Make sure to return it to its original state (presumably OFF in your case) immediately after the query !

  • sorry..  I think I missed something on this one.. 

  • I tried the replace you mention..

    here is my select statement.. returns 522 rows

    select * from schedule_storer where Storer_Show_Name = 'AMERICA''S HORSE'

    Here is my Select Replace.. says it affects 522 rows when I run it..

    select replace  (storer_show_name, 'HORSE','HORSES') as storer_show_name from schedule_storer where storer_show_name =  'AMERICA''S HORSE'

    Now when I rerun my Select Statement, it returns the 522 rows... but the storer_show_name has not changed.. 


  • If you mean to permanently change the values in the db table then use an UPDATE statement.

    UPDATE My_Table

    SET show_name =  'My hunter''s notebook'

    WHERE show_name =  'My hunter''s journal'

  • awesome!  THanks

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