Simple Selects

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Simple Selects

  • Thought that I would try it with the £ sign as well. Sure enough, it does the same thing! Learnt something new.

  • Interesting question, thanks.

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  • probably related to the isnumeric function

    ISNUMERIC returns 1 for some characters that are not numbers, such as plus (+), minus (-), and valid currency symbols such as the dollar sign ($)

    however SELECt + goes give an error

    Incorrect syntax near '+'.

  • Very thanks dear,

    i never expect this answer.

    good question, i learnt something new.

    Shiva N
    Database Consultant

  • And the data type is "money"

    select $100 as ival

    into mytab


    tname =

    , cname =

    , coltype =

    from sys.tables t

    inner join sys.columns c

    on t.object_id = c.object_id

    inner join sys.types y

    on c.system_type_id = y.system_type_id

    where = 'mytab'

    drop table mytab

  • JenkinD02 (1/30/2015)

    Thought that I would try it with the £ sign as well. Sure enough, it does the same thing! Learnt something new.

    I gave it a go with the Euro as well. SELECT € also returns 0.00.

    MCSA SQL Server 2012


    SELECT £

    SELECT $

    SELECT ¥

    SELECT €

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    The SQL Guy @ blogspot[/url]


    About Me[/url]

  • Sean Pearce (1/30/2015)

    SELECT £

    SELECT $

    SELECT ¥

    SELECT €

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    That is exactly the point, money and smallmoney data types accept a number of currency symbols and it's good to remember that "SQL Server does not store any currency information associated with the symbol, it only stores the numeric value"

    So you must store your currency information somewhere else or you'll lose it! that can give you as many headaches as distinct currencies you use :hehe:

  • Hmm, interesting question, never seen that before.

  • Sean Pearce (1/30/2015)

    SELECT £

    SELECT $

    SELECT ¥

    SELECT €

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    SELECT ?

    What I find interesting about this is that it is always 0.00; I'm not sure about the rest of them (heck, I don't recognize half of them), but the ¥ does not have decimal places (by default anyway, just like the US $ is usually two decimal places but can go smaller). Which would mean it is not displaying the currency according to its rules.

  • I actually got .0000 for "SELECT $", so that definitely goes along with the "doesn't store currency type" information.

  • Nice question.

  • SQL Easter Egg (sort of)! 😛

    Thanks for sharing; didn't know that either. Anyone see any practical application?

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