Simple Tablix Group

  • Hi guys,

    Hope someone can help a very simple question. I'm trying to build a table with a simple total of amounts per year e.g.

    2010 2011 2012

    Count(ID) Count(ID) Count(ID)

    The query underneath is just doing a basic select of a number of fields off a table, no grouping or aggregation of any kind.

    The way I initially tried to do this was create a column group of year, with a count wrapped around each ID. I thought that it would group the count per the column group but this was not the case. Instead it performed a count of 1 as in 1 instance of each ID.

    As a work around I simply added a total underneath the ID (Details) column which performed the count per year correctly, however I had to make the details row invisible in order to get it to appear correctly.

    I know that it might be easier to perform the aggregation in the actual query or perhaps to use the matrix (although I don't want a row grouping) but if someone can direct me if I'm just missing something with tablix grouping it would be appreciated.


  • A tablix is going to display 1 row for each row in the dataset unless you create a row group.

    That's all there is to it.

    Your probably getting some cool display like

    2009 2010 2011 2012 2013






    1 1 1 1 1

    You can cheat and hide the detail row and Simply just display the total row.

    But usually in this scenario there would be some requirement to group the "Sales by Year" etc.

    Your assumption to perform the aggregates in the dataset is correct. the more rows you send to the report server the slower the rendering will be.

  • Thought as much, thanks for the reply mate

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