Size and Name of all Databases

  • Hi All,

    Please find query. I made some customization in the Query developed by central user.

    Create TABLE #db_file_information(

    fileid integer

    , theFileGroup integer

    , Total_Extents integer

    , Used_Extents integer

    , db varchar(30)

    , file_Path_name varchar(300))

    -- Get the size of the datafiles

    insert into #db_file_information

    ( fileid

    , theFileGroup

    , Total_Extents

    , Used_Extents

    , db

    , file_Path_name )

    exec sp_MSForEachDB 'Use ?; DBCC showfilestats'

    -- add two columns to the temp table

    alter table #db_file_information add PercentFree as


    alter table #db_file_information add TotalSpace_MB as


    alter table #db_file_information add UsedSpace_MB as


    alter table #db_file_information add FreeSpace_MB as


    --select db,sum(total_extents) , sum(used_extents) from #db_file_information group by db

    select b.dbid,,sum(a.totalspace_mb) as "Total Size" ,sum(a.usedspace_mb) as "Used Space" ,

    sum(a.Freespace_MB) as "Free Size" from #db_file_information as a , sys.sysaltfiles as b, sys.sysdatabases as c

    where b.filename=a.file_path_name and b.dbid=c.dbid and c.filename=a.file_path_name

    group by b.dbid,

    drop table #db_file_information

  • tapankumar.bhatt-1037817 (3/23/2010)

    Hi All,

    Please find query. I made some customization in the Query developed by central user.

    Create TABLE #db_file_information(

    fileid integer

    , theFileGroup integer

    , Total_Extents integer

    , Used_Extents integer

    , db varchar(30)

    , file_Path_name varchar(300))

    -- Get the size of the datafiles

    insert into #db_file_information

    ( fileid

    , theFileGroup

    , Total_Extents

    , Used_Extents

    , db

    , file_Path_name )

    exec sp_MSForEachDB 'Use ?; DBCC showfilestats'

    -- add two columns to the temp table

    alter table #db_file_information add PercentFree as


    alter table #db_file_information add TotalSpace_MB as


    alter table #db_file_information add UsedSpace_MB as


    alter table #db_file_information add FreeSpace_MB as


    --select db,sum(total_extents) , sum(used_extents) from #db_file_information group by db

    select b.dbid,,sum(a.totalspace_mb) as "Total Size" ,sum(a.usedspace_mb) as "Used Space" ,

    sum(a.Freespace_MB) as "Free Size" from #db_file_information as a , sys.sysaltfiles as b, sys.sysdatabases as c

    where b.filename=a.file_path_name and b.dbid=c.dbid and c.filename=a.file_path_name

    group by b.dbid,

    drop table #db_file_information

    I have used a script similar to this in the past with great success.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Another can run system procedure xp_helpdb to get all the db sizes in an instance.

  • Yes that is true. But the SQL i made will give database name, ID with database size used and total. Generally system is producing data file wise results by system procedures.

  • Hi All,

    Actually I have got a task to match all the tables of 2 servers (QA and PROD) and add tables to which

    ever database doesn't have one or is missing... inshort both databases should have the same tables. Its a huge DB with thousand's of table.

    How I am planning to move them is by making a SSIS but I want to know that IS there a way how I can copy all tables names to excel or flat file so that I can compare and match the table names in excel if they are present or not. I dont have access to fire a query on sys files 🙁

    Any other way how I can retrieve all the table names from the database.

    I would appreciate your help 🙂


  • adev 1388 (9/27/2010)

    Hi All,

    Actually I have got a task to match all the tables of 2 servers (QA and PROD) and add tables to which

    ever database doesn't have one or is missing... inshort both databases should have the same tables. Its a huge DB with thousand's of table.

    How I am planning to move them is by making a SSIS but I want to know that IS there a way how I can copy all tables names to excel or flat file so that I can compare and match the table names in excel if they are present or not. I dont have access to fire a query on sys files 🙁

    Any other way how I can retrieve all the table names from the database.

    I would appreciate your help 🙂


    You should post you question on a new topic, instead of hijacking this one, especially since it has nothing to do with the original topic.

  • Hi Michael Valentine Jones,

    Just execute this following TSQL in query analyzer in your PROD and QA, and you will get the list of all the tables of that databse

    select name from sys.tables

    you can copy the results in to excel/notepad and compare.



    - Manish

  • Hmmmmmmm...... did you search this site? When I looked up my script to do this, the first thing in it was this comment:

    -- FROM



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